Meeting Demi Lovato

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Chapter 8 bitches !!!!!!



Demi's POV:

"Woah" that's all I could manage to get out. I was so shocked, what, how. She so young.

I was trying to form a sentence in my head, but I didn't know what to say.
How do you make a pregnant 17 year old girl believe that it's going to be okay, when you don't even believe that.

"Aww sweetie" I say pulling her closer to me, I feel the need to hold her. Protect her.

Why did this have to happen to her. Why now.

She's going to be all alone, what would her parents think, what would they do.

"Demi what am I going to do" she asks in a tiny voice.

"I don't know, but I'll help you get through it." I say reassuring her.

I don't know how much help I'm going to be considering I go back to L.A soon to start my next album.
But I'm going to do everything I can to help.

"How am I suppose to do this, I'm only 17. I've still got to finish school.
What will my parents to do, what if they kick me out. Demi I can't do this on my own." She rambles on about all the things that could happen.

I cut her I with my hand over her mouth.

"Quinn calm down, first thing we need to do is confirm the pregnancy, so I'll call an make an appointment for today, then I'll get dressed and take you" I reply giving her one last hug before reaching for my phone.

I find the doctors number before dialing.
"Hello, yes I need to make appointment for Quinn..."
I pause trying to recall her last, before realizing I don't know it.

She must realize that I don't know.

"Westfield" she whisper.

"Yeah I need the appointment for Quinn Westfield, preferably for today sometime"

"Yep, okay thanks, bye"

I hang up before turning back to her and taking her hand.

"You have an appointment in a hour with dr Shepard, she's my doctor for when I'm here, she's really nice."

I explain trying to calm her nerves.

"So I'll get showered and dressed, while you watch tv or something, I won't be long."

I say getting up and head to leave the lounge room.

"Demi," I hear quietly.

"Yeah" I say turning back towards her.

"Thankyou, for this, I wouldn't be able to do it alone."

"Quinn, I'm glad i could help, no one should go through something like this alone." I say smiling and heading up stairs.

45 minutes later:

Quinn and I are currently driving to the doctors, not a word had been said. I can see how terrified she is, this will make everything final. This will change the rest of her life, nothing will be the same.

I can see her legs shaking with nerves, I just want to pull over and hold her in my arms and never let her go. I won't to be able to tell her everything's going to be okay , but I can't, this needs to be done. We need to make sure everything's okay with her and the baby.

We pull into the car park, but neither of us move, we sit in silence.

"It's going To be okay right?" She asks

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