"Sometimes I wish I could back to my childhood and stay there forever," Janaan broke the heavy silence with her mere whisper and a longing smile covered Daniyahs face.

"I would trade everything to get that back." she said as she moved her right foot to create small waves in the pool. That night after what felt like eternities the two of them sat and talk about anything and everything, laughter were shared and tears were shed, in the apocalyptic life they shared the burden of their shoulders.


His workout playlist was playing at the deafening volume through his headphones as he completed his 7th lap on the 400 meter track. His t-shirt was sticking to his toned chest while he was blocking all his thoughts through the music, his muscles were now starting to burn but he still had to complete his run. The sun was already out as he increased his pace. He wanted to stay here for the whole day and ignore all the troubles which were coming his way.

His life had just been a roller and when he jumped off a hurdle another one is waiting for him. Though Janaan was back but tension was far worse, his own father was still raging, nothing was affecting the man, there were fair share of suspicions and fear about the entire case. Then there was Daniya, her sudden claim of being pregnant was making Emaad frenzy. He didn't even want to think of what could be possible outcome if she is actually right. The personal life he had would face the biggest storm of his life if it would be true, he won't only lose the woman he loves but his son, his own flesh and blood and losing Zaviyar wasn't an option, child was the only way to get Mishaal in the family. Daniyah and her child was never the part of the plan, or at least his plan. It was like the entire universe was letting his father have an upper hand on him.

Completing his jog of an hour he finally got out of the park and back to his home, after many years Emaad went out of his personal gym for his jog and though there wasn't much difference in his restless state but being alone and away from everyone really did gave him a great chance to actually breathe. He needs to be more strategic about his plans.

As soon as he entered his mansion, he saw his father coming from the passage where their gym was and he internally groaned to face the man first thing in the morning. He quietly made his way towards the internal entrance when he heard his name being called. Taking a deep breath he turned and faced Faisal Kirmani who was dressed in his track suit.

"Morning, dad." He pushed a small smile before pressing his lips in a straight line.

"You know what you have to do," in a terse voice Mr. Kirmani reminded Emaad of a job.

"Dad, I think we should give her couple of days. I promise—"

"I have seen enough of your promises, do as I say or I have ways of doing it." His bitter tone boiled Emaad's blood but he nodded nevertheless and without saying anything else Faisal Kirmani walked inside.

Sighing Emaad shook his head and followed the way in and rushed up to his bedroom which was- like every other morning- empty. His dress for the placed on bed with a fresh pair of towel and all what he needed arranged in the room. The sudden change in Daniyah and her more than usual kindness, innocence, carefulness, thoughtfulness, he didn't know what to name her actions, but whatever it was, was making him uneasy. Where he wasn't sure of what to name her actions, he was unsure of his own heart. He was tired of torturing her, he wanted to ignore her at all cost, he wanted to build a wall between them but lately she wasn't making it easy. Despite everything what had happened between them she had proved herself from moments to moments.

If only she wasn't choice of his father.

If only time had given them a chance.

If only he had met her first.

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