TWENTY EIGHT (part two)

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Charlie's gaze followed the direction of her finger, and he recognised one of the three transparent figures in the field. They all waved to them, except for the one ghost he'd known. The Ghost stood there, smiling. It was a strange sight, and he liked it.

"Can we stop the car real quick?" Charlie asked Austin. Austin thought for a moment, probably thinking his request was odd. Charlie didn't care, though. They were all weird in their own ways, Charlie just saw a few ghosts.

"Please?" Soph asked, enforcing the initial request.

Austin agreed and told them to hurry, and not to get into any trouble. Charlie and Soph both rushed out of the car and ran through the long grass to the ghosts.

They reached them panting. "Can you see Amanda and Julia?" Soph asked Charlie inbetween tired pants. Their breaths came out like fog in the air and Charlie was suddenly aware of how cold she must have been. He offered his jacket, but Sophie insisted he kept it for himself.

"I see them, who's who?" Charlie directed his question to the two unfamiliar ghosts.

"I'm Julia," the girl with ligter hair said. She stuck her hand out to shake, and Charlie wondered if it would work.

"Charlie," he answered, taking her hand anyway. Julia concentrated on her hand with a hard look, and Charlie was surprised that it took solid form. Julia looked happier than ever, and Charlie moved on. "I guess that makes you Amanda?"

Amanda nodded. "You're Charlie? The guy Sophie talked to?"

They got everything straightened out, and they talked there for a moment. Things felt different. "Are you going to say something? I know you can speak," Charlie said to The Silent Ghost teasingly. Sophie looked astonished at the statement, and Charlie laughed lightly at her.

"She spoke to you?" Sophie asked.

"Once," Charlie replied. "I'll tell you about it tomorrow." Charlie knew that meant telling her about his moment with Zoey, but he was going to do it anyway. He wasn't going to keep that from Soph, but he could procrastinate.

"It's time," The Silent Ghost said in a soft voice. Both Charlie and Sophie looked at her, as if she needed to explain things some more. The Silent Ghost looked to the others, they both nodded back. The Silent Ghost floated forward, putting a hand on each of their shoulders. She closed her eyes and she faded completely as a scene formed around her.

The sky was dark. Clouds raged in the air, allowing only light from lightning flashing above them to illuminate their path. Wind pushed them hard, making it hard for the people to stand.

She was on a boat which approached a storm at an alarming rate. Everyone around her yelled and walked around, trying to correct their turns. They were trying to evade the storm, but it wasn't passing soon enough. The water around them rose and fell, making the boat rock back and forth, making the people wobble as they ran and changed positions.

The cheap looking boat started to shake even more as they got nearer to the storm. Bullets of rain pounded against the sail and wooden floor. The Silent Ghost ran to a lower level. She helped some others keep water out of the boat. Everything was chaos.

The scene skipped a bit, fast forwarding now that the setting had been set. Her and a few others huddled together, they'd lost hope. The Silent Ghost and an older woman who appeared to be her mother were crying. A man who had the same pale skin and wavy black hair bent down to The Silent Ghost, in human form, of course. "Everything is going to be okay, Miranda," he said in a voice too soothing for the situation. Miranda, otherwise known as The Silent Ghost, nodded and accepted her fate.

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