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Charlie and Zoey sat down together just before their first hour had started. The tardy bell rang clear and loud throughout the school and people rushed out of the hallways to sit in their seats. Before taking attendance, Mr. Sard had something to say to the class. "You all should get ready for your presentations while I take attendance. You'll come up in alphabetical order." Charlie would have been safe, for his last name was in the later alphabet, but Zoey's wasn't. Her last name started with an A, so they were guaranteed to be one of the first presenters.

"You're ready for the presentation?" she asked, smiling at him. Charlie nodded. Zoey pointed to his hand. "Can I see that for a minute?" she asked.

"Sure," Charlie said cautiously. He held out his hand and she turned it over so it faced palm up. She grabbed a pink marker from her pencil case and put it against Charlie's skin. She began drawing a flower, almost exactly like the one that remained in his locker. The designs inside were nowhere near as intricate as the one she made for his locker, but it was still pretty. For a moment, Charlie tried imagining her drawing on his hand when they first met. He couldn't, and he noted that she was way more comfortable with Charlie than she was when Soph had first been kidnapped.

A smile was brought to his lips. "It's a pretty flower," he said to her.

"Thanks." She blushed a little and put the marker back in her pencil case before Mr. Sardine started talking to them again.

Charlie thought it was amazing how one person could make such a difference in his mood.

He came to school, feeling disappointed in himself and seeing all the gray clouds, then she met him at his locker. She'd brought more supplies that time, adding more than that mere flower to his locker. It looked a lot less depressing than it had before.

Most of the students begged for more time and Mr. Sard gave them some. Charlie and Zoey hadn't much to do, only polish the work they'd previously put together. They didn't do much polishing, though, and they mostly joked around.

"Mr. Sard?" a lady from the office asked from the overhead speaker.

"Yes?" Mr. Sard replied.

"May Zoey Adams come to the office prepared to leave, please?" the lady continued to ask, never expecting no for an answer.

"Yes, of course, she's on her way," Mr. Sardine said without consulting Zoey first. Zoey nodded, apologized to Charlie, and then picked her things up from their desk and started to leave.

Charlie let out a huff, the feeling of disappointment had returned and resided right next to him, in Zoey's spot. He finished polishing their assignment by himself and after a few more minutes Mr. Sard called on Charlie to present, because of Zoey's last name.

"You can wait until tomorrow, if you want," Mr. Sard told him.

"No, it's fine. Will it affect her grade if I present without her?" Charlie asked.

"No, so long as she did work on the project," Mr. Sard said. Charlie nodded, muttering something about how she'd done plenty of work on the project. He truly couldn't have done it without her help.

He stood up in front of the class, pulling together the pieces of information Zoey taught him and reading from the slides they'd prepared. When time passed and the kids in the room looked bored, Charlie touched the flower drawn on the palm of his hand. The little reminder of Zoey gave him the strength to finish their presentation.

After his presentation, he zoned out. He didn't hear a word from the other classmates, and hardly heard the bell ring. He was starting to put his things together to walk to his next class, but something, or someone, stopped him. "Charlie, can I speak with you for a second?"

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