A Day Without KKK

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Lauren: good morning

Brit: oh hey gm

Lauren: guess what

brit: what

Lauren: my mom Karilen just got a new house and a new job

Megan: that's great

Lauren: yea she is now the owner of Green Entry Dining

Kelly: oh that's nice but today the only thing we are doing is eating breakfast in this hotel room and going to the beach having drinks at the bar and partying at the party tonight so turn off your phones

Megan: how are we supposed to take pictures

Marissa: I will


Marissa: I flew here a day before you guys to surprise you Kelly knew about it

ring ring

Megan: hey John

John: hi I know we aren't typically dating now but surprise

Megan: what

John: *hangs up*

Kelly: surprise


John: hi thanks Kelly for flying me out here

Megan: thank u so much Kelly

Lauren: go have fun Megan well be at the beach

Britnee: that's not the only surprise is it

Kelly: nope KADEN JAMISHA!!


Kelly: Chance!!

Lauren: no way

Chance oh yes way I missed u so much

Kelly: go u guys have fun

Lauren: um Chance ill be out in a sec ok *kisses*

Lauren: Kelly we can share a boyfriend *laughs*

Kelly: no its fine I just never thought that it would be Aiden

Lauren: come on lets go to the beach

Kelly: ok


Britnee: we need 8 martini five strong 3 strong

Lauren: its time to party


Megan: hey John thanks for coming

John: no problem I missed you I missed us

Megan:*kissing him* like that you mean

John: yea baby like that I mean

Kelly:ok so then I say what the hell

Loren: thats a funny story I'm Loren this is my brother Darien

Lauren: I'm Lauren to that's megan john britnee Kaden Kelly marrisa and chance we are all taken except for Kelly and marissa

Marissa: guys meet Nema and Jason my friends

Loren: guys I think its time we take this back to your hotel room

Back in the hotel room they passed out everywhere then Lauren: gets a call

Lauren: hello

Karilen: hello sweetie its your mom tell your friends to come to rosewood now hurry up

Lauren: why mom why

Karilen: they want to question u guys about tinashes murder

Lauren: ok um megan Kelly brit marissa get up the police want to question us we have to get to rosewood now

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