Fire meets Ice

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Lauren:Hey mom I really missed u.

Karilen:Hey sweetie so I heard about your Kelly what happened.

Lauren:It's a huge mystery how does that happen.

Karilen:It's okay to cry it won't change maybe u should go upstairs and call Britnee or Koral


karilen:Sweetheart crying won't help.  Hey it's late get some rest.

Britnee house

Britnee:So we don't know what happened babe it's a mystery but I haven't talked to then in so many months.

James:Well I'm sure u will figure it out but I have to go my mom is doing this dinner.

Britnee:OK see u later bae. Mom I'm going to the cafe I have to think a lot.

On the way to the cafe she ran into Lauren.

Lauren:Hey girl I missed u.

Britnee:hey me too. I haven't had any calls from Megan nor Koral.

Britnee:Maybe we can call her and go to her house today.

Lauren:OK sounds good.

Beep there phones went off

Together:I'm sure bringing u guys together will be bad but laugh worthy don't try it. Unknown

Britnee:It's that creepy person again. I'm calling Koral


Britnee:Hey girl it's Brit I haven't heard from Marissa but me and Lauren are together and got a text from unknown.

Koral:Oh hey I miss u come over I still live at East coast place.

At Korals house

Megan:Hey y'all

Lauren:Hey I missed u guys we really need to talk about, Kelly

Megan:I really think we should contact Marisa.

Koral:Marissa can not help us. We needed her months ago she didn't help.

Britnee:Hey I'm calling her

Marissa:Guys it's been so long u guys need to come back

Lauren:But we all got back like weeks ago we can't just leave.

Marissa:Come back plz idc when but this week.

Britnee:bye. Guys who is that. It's Sarah listen I can hear through my window.

Sarah:Send message now.

They received a text

Together: Don't call her she can only help u die she can only give u lies. Unknown

Megan:Guys we found our clue.

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