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Well the girls thought there was a Grave Party today it actually was a week away so that is today

Lauren:Guys I'm scared to go to this party we have school today what are we gonna do.
Britnee:It's gonna be okay.

Britnees cell rings


Britnee:Hey baby

Kaden:u guys still going

Britnee:Yea surprisingly

Kaden:That dress u have on is old but u looking good in it

Britnee:How u know I'm wearing it.

Kaden:*hangs up because he is behind her* Cuz I'm right here

Britnee:Babe you're coming

Kaden:Me and Mason and Chance and Allen. They are in a van waiting on all of us.

In the van

Lauren:Hey bae do u, know where u goin

Chance:I looked it up online so chill

Megan:Guys look we're here.
Britnee:Damn boo this place creepy as my Grandma Lisa

Kiral:Whatever that shit meant.

Kaden:The way this is going to go is Marissa is here with us so it's gonna be:Me Allen Kiral and Koral and Megan. And Mason Chance Lauren Britnee and Marissa

Marissa:Let's split up and look around.

Kadens Group 30 minutes later

Kiral:Guys weve been hearing someone in the woods I'm texting Marissa

The text message


                               Hey come     
                 Meet us by the lake


At the lake

marissa:Yea wassup yall

Kaden:We've been hearing someone in the woods going towards where Kelly was killed.

*rustling in the woods

Britnee:Guys come on we have to go through the woods

So all 10 of them followed the rustling footsteps and the person for 4 minutes and when that person stopped they were at the place Kelly died.


The person turns around and it's Kelly

Kelly:Missed me.

To r continued......

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