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britnee:hey um Kelly I have to talk to you

Kelly: hey I understand that but I have to go meet up with my family

britnee; well theres a dance tonight wondering If youd come

Kelly; I jus got back in town people will think Im a ghost with a really sense of of humor

britnee; hey I get it I have to get going Kaden is picking me up for school so we are riding together

Kelly; ok I wont bug you after school bye

Britnee; bye be safe ill call you at lunch time to check on you

Lauren calling brit

britnee;hey wassup

lauren;we cant go to school we know who a is


lauren; jus tell kaden to bring u to my place marissa megan koral kiral chance and allen and mason

britnee; oh ok ill cale him rn bye laur

Kaden; hey babe I'm like a few seconds away

brit;change of plans baby we cant go to school pick me up we going to laurs


at lauren house

brit; hey everyone we here

megan; look at this footage of tinashe

footage playing

*tinashe talking to kevin*

tinashe; kevin its time for plan 2 I'm still sending the creepy messgaes and they are uping there game so we need to up ours. 2 a's are good come on send the text.

koral; this was the text we got at the funeral look at the date.

Kaden; so a aka tinashe and kevin had to hire someone to be in a disguise like her to be there

lauren; exactly this needs to go to police

megan;maybe we bring them here in private I call her and say i need o talk to u I'm at laurens

mason;go do it sounds like a plan

10 minutes later

tinashe; whats up megan.....and others

police; tinashe u are under arrest for threating texts/ homicide burying someone alive

megan; that's right bitch I trusted u I don't have to worry no more a is in jail and we are continuing our lives*slaps her*

1 hour later

lauren; guys its over really over

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