Chapter 1: the day of

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Being 17 was like not having enough money in your purse when you get to the supermarket till. I was so close, yet so far, from what I wanted. I knew as soon as I turned 18 everything would be different, better. I would be able to have the freedom to do all those things the law had formerly labelled me too young for. Freedom, in my youthful opinion, is synonymous with happiness.

The reasoning for this meaningful evaluation of my age is because of the importance of this sunny Thursday in July. Today is my 18th birthday. So rather than experience the disruptive awakening of my iPhone alarm, I instead opened my eyes to the sight of my Dad bursting into my bedroom with an armful of presents and a card practically the size of my laptop, before he rushed off to commute to his managerial job in central London.  Then, after I had gone back to sleep to enjoy an extra hour before I had to get up for college, I discovered balloons in the shape of the number 18 waiting for me in the kitchen, along with my favourite treats from Maria's bakery; croissants, pain au chocolat, apple tart and strawberry jam doughnuts.

The question sprung on my mind as I sipped my tea and applied a light foundation to my pale cheeks...could this day get any better? Of course, I tend to live to regret questions like this because of their ability to jinx the situation.

I was full of excitement when Alice came to pick me up for school. She met me at the door and wrapped her arms around me before thrusting a satin-wrapped box in my palms.

"This is so pretty" I observed as she watched with an impatient grin. Alice always gave the most meticulously wrapped presents. Whereas my attempts looked like I had simply scrunched the paper around the shape of the gift and held it together with tape.

"I know Charlie but you're going to have to open it in the car because we're already late." She joked, although we would in fact be late to school as the bell for registration would have sounded 5 minutes ago.

When we - eventually - arrived to our tutor group Alice barked out her rehearsed excuse, along the lines of it being my 18th birthday, a day that you only get to experience once in your life and you should be able to enjoy it, and so on. I plonked myself next to Isaac while Alice sat beside her boyfriend, formally known as Jack but otherwise known as flapjack, for unknown reasons.

All I could think of throughout the day was our plans for tonight. Becca had invited us to her modest cottage for pre-drinks, after which we would taxi from our little village into town where we will hit the clubs, and hopefully the clubs will hit back. As the last of our friendship group to turn 18 my friends have already experienced many nights out in town, whereas I was new to this 'adult' experience. It felt like this had been a long time coming and I was ecstatic.

It was only in our lunch break that the crucial planning came into effect.

"Charlie what are you going to wear? I can't decide between my white bodysuit or my black mesh top!"

"I feel that Soph, i'm still trying to choose which pair of heels to go's really stressing me out."

Ok maybe "crucial" was a bit of a reach...


Writer's note: Hi there reader! I know this is short but it is just a taster of what is to come. Expect secrets, drama, fights and adventure. Updates will be posted at the most frequent rate possible ! Chapter 2, titled "the long way home" will be published soon ! :) x

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2017 ⏰

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