Nightmaric Memories

383 17 8

[WARNING: this chapter and references to scenes of rape. If this content is not for you, please move on.]
Image is not mine

You thrashed around in your sleep, nightmares consuming your mind tonight.

"Stop!!! Someone! Help! Please!" "SHUT UP BITCH! NO ONES COMING FOR A SLUT LIKE YOU!!!" Rough hands were grabbing at your flesh as you tried to keep yourself from these, strangers. "Please! No! Don't do this! I'll pay you! Do you want money!? Anything but this, please! Please!!!" You screamed, as loud as you could, praying your prince in red would hear you and come save you again. But mid way through your prayers, the invaders hands ripped at your clothes. "Quick boys! Hold her down! We got her now!" The males surrounding you had you locked in position. "No! No! No! Please, please no!!! No!!!!"

You awoke from your nightmare, screaming and crying. You sat up in Shintaro's bed, and looked over to the digital clock on the stand beside you. 2:26 AM. Shintaro was sitting at his desk, behind the computer monitors, typing away, playing with his vocaloid software. His large headphones adorned his head.

You slipped back under the covers and rolled over onto your side so you could watch him type. When you were too scared to fall back asleep, you'd fix your eyes on your love, Shintaro. Just seeing him makes you feel better. But, right now, you couldn't seem to shake the haunting memories... The tears kept rolling down your face, you couldn't control them.

Shintaro had a habit of spinning around in his chair every half hour or so to check on you, he knew you didn't sleep well, but it's something he's only just noticed. It's not abnormal for you to wake up in the night crying or screaming over that memory. Shintaro often asked you what's wrong, or what was it was that was scaring you out of sleep, but you'd never tell him the truth.

The truth that your first time was stolen from you by someone else. Something that you were planning to give Shintaro.

You were afraid to tell him because you thought if he found out, he wouldn't love you anymore. Why? Because he might think you're weak... Or he might not want to have sex with someone who's been raped in case they have an STD. You were afraid, of losing him. But you felt terrible hiding this from him... what if you really did have an STD? And if he had sex with you, then found out, he'd really hate you then, wouldn't he?

Just as you started to cry more, Shintaro turned around and noticed. Any traces of previous concentration was wiped as he saw your tears. "Y/n..." You heard him whisper your name, as if it were fragile. He took off his headphones, and clicked a button to turn off the screens.

He lifted up the covers and slipped in next to you. He then wrapped his arms around and pulled you into his lap so he could cuddle you up against his chest. He kept one hand on your lower back, slipped up beneath the black hoodie you were wearing, and the other hand on the back of your head, where he tangled your hair around his fingers.

This was hurting you, you couldn't take keeping things a secret from your beloved. You felt like you were deceiving him... "Sh-Shintaro..." Your voice was quavering as you tried to keep yourself together, but you weren't a success so far. "Hm?" "I... I'll tell you what my nightmare's are about..." "Are you sure?" "Mhm..."

"Shintaro... I've been afraid of telling you this, because I'm afraid if I did, you wouldn't want to be with me anymore..." you felt his hand pause in your hair. "I've... been raped..."

"Y/n...?" "I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore!" "No, it's not that, it's just-" "Is it because I may have caught something when they did it!? Is it 'cause I was too weak to-" "No! Y/n," he sighed, "did you tell anyone?"

"Tell anyone what?" "That this happened? The police? A doctor? Your parents? A friend maybe?" "No..." "Y/n, we have to tell the police! And I'll take you to the doctor too!" "Shintaro do you still want to-" "I was never going to break up with you, and something like this isn't going to make me ever hate you. Don't be stupid. I'm so angry right now..." "I'm sorry Shin-" "I'm angry at you, airhead! I'm angry at the guys who raped you!"

His grip around your fragile body tightened as he imagined what's happened to you. "Y/n... Please, don't be scared to tell me things like this... Or anything."

"I love you Y/n, I really do..."

You wrapped your arms up and around his neck, your two body's pressed against each other. "I love you so much Shintaro..."


The next day, Shintaro accompanied you to the police, and then to the doctors. He was his awkward self the whole time, but he still made you smile in the darkest times.

You prayed it will be this way forever...

Heyoooo thanks for reading! I seriously love you readers, you give me the will to carry on each day. Please don't stop the lovely comments and votes unless you dislike a chapter, it means a lot to me! Thanks! See you next chapter!

Shintaro Kisaragi x Reader (Kagerou Project)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon