Trouble [Part 2]

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Picture above drawn by a much better artist than me :3

Shintaro had the worst of feelings running through him right now too, he just witnessed his girlfriend get forcefully kissed by a thug, not to mention he also accidentally punched his girlfriend.

"I'm taking you home..."


You opened your eyes carefully, scared of recent trauma. You felt a wet cloth upon your cheek, and realised it was Shintaro dabbing it on your grazes. Once again, you found yourself on Shintaro's bed after an injury, usually you're such a clutz, but these injuries weren't from you...

"Close your eyes... You can rest now. They're not here, don't worry." Your eyes closed gently at the sound of Shintaro's voice.

It was quiet, just you and him...

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you..." Shintaro mumbled. He gripped one of your hands with his while he used his other hand to clean your cuts and bruises. When he accidentally touched a raw spot, you would occasionally yelp.

"Ow!" Whenever you made a noise, he'd look up into your eyes. In his eyes, you saw right through him, he was upset... You knew it.

"Don't be sorry... I should've been watching where I was going..." you grumbled, looking away. "Mhmm nonsense."

Shintaro had always been stubborn, he'd always insist he was right.

As you looked away, you felt burning in your eyes, and suddenly you started to cry. You could not control it, no matter what you thought of, tears would come raining. And then, you started to whimper.

Shintaro looked up from your bruises, and saw you crying. He paused for a second, his eyes opening wide. "Y-y/n..." his mouth open a gape. You tried to hide your face with the hand he wasn't holding. "Y/n, Y/n..." he crawled up into the bed next to you, and pulled your arm away from your face.

"Please, don't cry..." he whispered as he pulled you into a warm embrace. For the first time in a few hours, you felt safe. He wrapped an arm around the small of your back, and the other hand was at the back of your neck, fingers playing with your soft [H/c] hair.

"I'll never leave you like that again..." all you could hear in the dim light was his concerned voice. "Y/n... do you want to live here, with me?... In this unit, just the two of us." Your eyes widened... you didn't know how to answer.

"Please... Y/n, I don't want this to happen again." A million thoughts ran through your head... You understand he was very protective of you, but, was this taking things a bit too far? "We're not even married, Shintaro..."

"If that's a problem, then let's get married!"

Did he just propose to you? Everything wet quiet, and he started feeling anxious if he'd said the right thing or not... "Uh, Y/n... Sorry, I was a--" "Yes."

"What?" "Yes... I'll marry you Shintaro..." a smile started to curl up in your lips. You're going to get married to the live of your life... Now he can always be by your side, every day, every night, you'll never be your dark world again.

"Y/n... Ah, I love you so much. More than anything in this whole world." You felt his embrace tighten around you, and then you felt him crash his lips onto yours. You didn't hesitate to kiss your fiancé back fiercely.

"I'll get you a ring and everything." "You can't afford a ring Shintaro." You giggled. "I'll start writing more VOCALOID songs about you, and I'll earn lots of money for us!" "Sh-Shintaro..." you couldn't stop the endless smile plastered on your face from hiding.

"I love you so much Shintaro!" "I'll never leave you, Y/n!"

And the two of you melted into each other that night. Each drawing in each other's happiness after a troublesome day.

I need ideas guys!!! I can't think of what to write next!!!

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