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Jungkook POV

I shouldn't have done it.

I need to stop.

She needs her space.

But I couldn't help myself.

I followed them. Again.

I watched Y/N drag Taehyung up on to the bridge, and peer over the edge. He must have said something to her that I didn't quite catch because she turned around to him again. I thought she would see me hiding behind the tree over Taehyung's shoulder but her eyes were only in him. She closed her eyes and he took a box out from behind his back, opening it and fastening a necklace around her neck. I couldn't see the details of it from where I was standing but she loved it. I've never seen her smile so much.

"Open it." Taehyung said. She did. Something fell from the locket and she caught it, opening it and reading what was written there. She started smiling again, looking up at him.


Her expression changed. She started saying something and looked really mad. I couldn't hear because she had lowered her voice and was talking quite fast, but then she said:

"...but yes."

My heart stopped, fell through into my stomach. For a moment, I thought, hoped, she would reject him.

Maybe he wasn't asking her.. Maybe it was about something else?

Who was I kidding.
I watched them as they walked away, I followed them down a path, darting between trees where they couldn't see me. Y/N held Taehyung's hand tightly.
Suddenly I stood on a fallen branch. It cracked loudly and I froze. I saw Y/N jump violently, before she and Taehyung began to laugh. She started looking around, and I ran, praying she wouldn't see me.

She didn't. Her eyes were only on him.

I ran all the way back through town. Pausing at the school gate, I wondered if I should go inside and say I slept through my alarm, and sit through class for the rest of the day just to stop thinking about the way she looked at him when they laughed. I run my hand furiously through my hair.


I sit silently at a table in the coffee shop, previously making sure I didn't choose the table that they had sat at. Suddenly a steaming mug of coffee is set down infront of me.

"What's wrong Oppa?" The waitress asks. I turn to look at her. She looks pretty young, but still older than me, with dyed blonde hair and very pink cheeks. Pretty... But she's not Y/N. I enternally grimace at the name she called me.

"Don't call me that, and I'm ok, thank you." I say as politely as I can manage and take my coffee, bringing the mug to my lips and ignoring the heat as it scorched my mouth and throat. The waitress stays beside me. I turn to look at her questioningly, and eyebrow raised.

"I can make you feel better." she says, and I notice that she has slipped off the shoulder of her work uniform.

Jesus Fuck I thought this was a coffee shop not Hooters.

I stand up suddenly and leave the shop, taking the mug with me. I storm down the street sipping my drink angrily. I finish is just as I turn the corner on to my road and I drop the mug, smashing it on the floor. No one is around to hear it break. I'm surprised at how little time it took for me to reach this side of town, but I had begun to jog as soon as my coffee was low enough in the cup not to spill everywhere as I ran.

I know.

I run up my garden path, fishing my keys from the depths of my pocket and unlocking the door.
My parents are at work, and my brother at school, so there is no one to question why I scream as I slam the door. I run up to me room, not realising that I'm crying until I feel the urge to wipe my tears away.

Stop crying, it's fine, she's happy.
Stop crying, it's fine, she's happy.
Stop crying, it's fine, she's happy.

I collapse into my bed, growling into my pillow. I pick up my phone. It would be break time at school now, so I dial a number and wait.

(Jungkook? Where are you? Why aren't you in school?)

Jimin asks, the line crackling a little but I can still here a trace of concern in his voice.

"Hey hyung, nothing's wrong I just.. Do you wanna go out tonight? I heard some kids talking about a club the other day." I say. Jimin sighs.

(What happened?)

"I..I followed Taehyung and Y/N again... They're dating now.." I say, running my hand through my hair again and tugging on my roots to distract myself from wanting to cry.

(You need to stop doing that Kook. How are we going to get into said club? We're underage.)

"Remember the fake IDs we got in Daegu? They will work."

I hear Jimin sigh again.

"Please Hyung?"

He pauses.

(OK, I'll meet you later.)

"Ok, see you, have fun at school."
I smile cheekily even through he can't see it.

(fuck you)
Jimin hangs up.

-shorter chapter, my apologies.

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