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By the time I make it home from Jimin's house, I have 7 missed calls from Taehyung.
I sit on my bed, watching my phone screen as the caller ID once again shows Taehyung's contact. I sigh and accept the call, but stay silent.

(Y/N? Where have you been? I was worried... I'm sorry...)

I stay quiet, fighting the urge to confront him about what he said to Yoongi.

(Y/N?... Are you still there?... I'm really sorry... Ok.. I'll go... Bye Jagiya~)

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. This is pathetic.
I change and get into bed. It's early, but I don't care. I stare at the ceiling for a while until, finally, it fades and I fall into a comfortable subconsciousness.

I awake the next morning 30 minutes late and with a headache. I change hurriedly and gather my books, heading out the door just as a familiar white car pulls up infront of my house. The window rolls down and I see Taehyung nervously smiling back at me.

"Need a ride?" he asks. I smile and thank him, getting in the car.

"I got you breakfast.." he says as he begins to pull away from my house, gesturing to the steaming take away cup and breakfast muffin stashed in the dashboard panel.

"Why were you so salty yesterday?" I ask, taking a sip of coffee. He keeps his eyes on the road and shifts his hands on the steering wheel.

"I just.. You seem so happy around Yoongi-Hyung and I.." he begins, trying to form a sentence and failing quite spectacularly.

"You got jealous." I finish for him. He shifts again and nods. There is a pause before he speaks again.

"Did you..mean what you said?" he asked quietly. I hesitate slightly, and it sets him on edge. I shake my head.

"I just don't get why you're getting so jealous if we aren't actually... Ya know?" I say. He nods. Suddenly he takes a sharp left turn and accelerates.

"Uhm.. Taehyung? School is that way.." I say, pointing over my shoulder. He nods.

"I know, we aren't going to school."
I raise my eyebrows at him but he doesn't respond.
I endure ten more minutes of Taehyung's precarious-but-not-as-bad-as-it-was-a-few-days-ago driving before he stops beside a gate in a part of town I'm not very familiar with. He helps me out of the car and we push through the iron gates. They open onto what looks like a park, grand and green with rolling slopes and a pond a little way away.

"I can't believe I haven't been here before." I gasp, watching the pond water sparkle in the morning light and gaping at the probably man made waterfall that lead into it.
I spin around slowly, taking in everything, until my gaze finally lands on Taehyung. I smile widely at him and he returns it, placing a hand on the small of my back and guiding me towards the pond. I see a wooden bridge going across it and pull Taehyung with me. I watch the water below us glisten in the sunlight.

"Y/N.." Taehyung calls quietly. I turn to face him. He's holding something behind his back, and I tilt my head questioningly. He flashes me his signature boxy smile and tells me to close my eyes. I do so, and after a moment of shuffling, I feel something cold around my neck. I open my eyes.
A beautiful golden locket in the shape of a heart hangs between my collar bones, my name etched into the center. I laugh delightedly and hug him tightly, feeling his arms around my waist.

"Open it." he says. I fiddle with the clasp for a second before it opens, and a small piece of folded paper flutters out, landing in my hand. I unfold it and read.


I've brought you here to do what I should've done long ago, and have wanted to do since I met you in the summer. What is that? To ask you this.

Y/N, will you be mine?

I smile widely as I read it, and look into his eyes.

"So?" he asks, awaiting my answer.

I sigh.
"You're a douche, you're annoying and you get jealous way too easily..." I begin, pausing to watch his expression fall and him tugging he hem of his school shirt. "But yes. Yes I will."
He looks up at me sharply, his face lighting up again. I laugh and he hugs me, picking me up slightly and swinging me around. It's a surprise we haven't fallen off this bridge yet.

"So what are we going to do about school?" I ask once he has put me down, intertwining our fingers and looking up at him expectantly. He shrugs and we walk along a path through the park. A twig cracking somewhere nearby makes me jump, and Taehyung begins to laugh uncontrollably, poking my reddening cheeks.

~Special early update for @lucy_1204 because she asked ❤ ~

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