4; Wake up

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Before I start this chapter I just wanted to say some things;

I would really love and appreciate if you all would Vote & Comment a bit more- but if you choose not to then thats fine I guess.

Mainly because I really wanna talk to each and every one of you as much as possible.

Please ?


You wake up from an annoying ringing and buzzing noise coming from your phone on the nightstand. Groaning as you reached for it and looked as the time.


You sigh and sit on the bed for a bit longer before the scenes from last night played in your mind-
You shook you head and lighting slapped your face as you shake your head, not wanting to believe that it happened-

"You're here to work not daydream!"
You shout but in a hushed tone then finally get out of bed to start your first full day on the job-
After a nice shower, you grab another uniform from the closet noticing that it was slightly different from the one you wore yesterday; it showed your cleavage. You get dressed then leave your room shortly after and walk down the halls to the first room you reach.

You gently push down the knob and slowly open the door, enter without trying to make any noise walking to the window and opening the curtains-

"Master, Yoongi. Its time for you to wake up now"
He didnt move or make a sound. You walk even closer to the bed and slowly pull the covers off his upper body but suddenly stop when you see his bare chest and tattoo, not being able to look away-
You pull your hands toward you then bring them back to Yoongi trying to take off the rest of the covers when your wrist was snatched roughly.

"M-Master, I-"
Again, not a word escaped his mouth. He lets go of your wrist as he groans and rubs his eyes then turns to his side before sitting up. You watch as the blankets fall off his chest which caused you to look away. He catches sight of you and gives you a weird look.

"What's wrong, never seen a guy shirtless?"
He teased as he threw the rest of the blanket to the side and sat at the edge of the bed; revealing that he was wearing shorts but you could also seeing the hems of his underwear. You clear your throat as you back away slightly bowing-

"Yeah, yeah im up. You can leave now"
He said, yawning while using his hand 'shoo-ing' you away. You bow again and leave his room. So on the the next;

You take a deep breath and slowly enter his room to do the same as you just did with Yoongi; you go to the window and open the curtains. Namjoon immediately groaned and rolls over to the other side where the sun wasnt shining in his face.
You walk closer to the bed-

"Its now time to wake up, Master"
He pulled the blankets over his head with a simple "No" You slowly go to grab the blanket but before you even got to touch them, Namjoon quickly throws them to the side revealing his body wearing a muscle tee and underwear; causing you to gasp. He sighed sitting up, scratching the back of his neck, seeing his tattoo on his forearm as he then begins to stare at you.
"Hello" he spoke as he gave a little smile then went right back to having a straight face as he got off the bed and walking past you to the bathroom while you stand there blankly-

"You may leave"
He called out before entering the bathroom. You leave his room to wake the next person-

Yes, Master //BTS// *hiatus*Where stories live. Discover now