2; Arrival

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"Could you be Yoon Nari?"
He questioned

"Yes, I am"
You answered quietly as he held the door open for you to enter and had you follow him into his office.

"So Nari, how old are you?"

"18, sir"

"Where are you from?"

"Im from Gwangju"


Series of questions were asked until he opened up a file on his desk

"There are rules placed in this house;
You must always obey the owners no matter what. If you disobey, there will be consequences.
You're in charge of waking everyone up in the morning. So I advise you to manage your time and wake up early.
Its mandatory that you wear your uniform throughout the day, weekend are the only days you dont have to wear it.
When you're summoned, you must immediately go to whoever called for you.
There is a board made for your chores around the house and you must do whatever it has for that day.
Now, if you have any questions please ask them"

You were speechless..

"If not you may be excused to your room upstairs. Your name will be on the door just as everyones else is"

You nod and find your way out and slowly walk up the stairs. You couldnt help to be surprised at how big the house was..
You found your name on the door and gently opened it, entering.

Your eyes widened seeing your huge room with a king sized bed all to yourself. A giant dresser and closet that you had no idea what to use for since you didnt own that much clothes. A bathroom with a full sized tub and shower-

"What the hell.. What am I going to do with a giant room like this"
You sat on the bed and found a note-

Welcome Miss Nari,
Your uniform is in the closet, please put this on-
Now, after you are dressed for the job, you may go back downstairs with Hanbin and wait for the owners to return.

You questioned... He must be the man your just spoke with.
You went to the closet and saw something hanging, covered in a cloth. You took it and placed it on the bed as you unzipped it to see a black and white dress. You carefully took it out and examined it-

"They werent joking when they said maid"

You sighed as you began to undress. You unzipped the dress and put it on as it stopped mid-thigh then adjusted the buttons on the front, fixing the apron like piece and tying it. You then grabbed the pair of socks that goes up mid-thigh as well and looked in the mirror.

You werent use to it but you shrugged off the thought and made your way downstairs.

"It fits quite okay?"

You heard a voice and turned around to the man from earlier.


"I never properly introduced myself. My name is Kim Hanbin, I"ll be expecting you to do fine here"

You bowed
"I'll do my best, sir"

"Good, now the boys will be here any minute, please be respectful at all times and be prepared"

"How many others live here?"
You ask being curious

"There are 7 men in all-"
Your eyes widened as voices were then heard from outside
"Well they're here. Come"

You walked over to Hanbin and held your hands together feeling nervous.
One by one you see males enter as they all took off their shoes until they caught sight of you-

"Who's she?"

You look down at the ground as Hanbin places a hand on your shoulder

"This is Yoon Nari, a maid thats been hired to assist you all"

You bowed
"Hello, Its nice to meet you all"

"Now lets all take a seat and talk and talk about it"

You follow behind Hanbin as he gestured you to stand beside him while he talked to all the men

He cleared his throat-
"Lets clear some things up.
Nari will be staying with you all for a while so please keep that in mind"

They were silent while Hanbin spoke but You could feel their eyes on you-
You tilt your head and slightly look away to avoid eye contact.

"This is Namjoon"
Handsome, White/silver hair that partially covers his forehead.

Flawless(?) Eldest. Broad shoulers. Blonde hair thats parted, not covering his forehead.

Intimidating but has a soft look to his eyes. Quite shorter. Blonde hair as well thats swept to the side.

Very good looking. Defined cheekbones. Orange hair thats parted out of his face.

Shortest. Cute but handsome at the same time. Slightly chubby cheeks. Black hair thats was a little longer than the others and parted kind of showing his forehead.

Breathe taking. Refreshing smile. Deep red hair that covered his forehead.

"Last but not least, our youngest.
Very handsome. Doesnt look his age. Strawberry blonde hair that was parted to the side.

You look at each observing them wondering what kind of people they could be


Slow start but It'll get somewhere, I promise :)

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