Chapter 9: Trail (Part 2)

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Chapter 9: Trial (Part 2)

**okay so I'm just going to label who is talking in front, so it makes it easier to write and easier for you to read and understand**

MP=commander of Military Police


E=Erwin Smith

Zandra's POV:

MP:"Zandra, is it true that Commander Erwin Smith has raised you since you were a baby?"

Z: "Yes, and no. When Erwin raised me, I was a child, clueless about who I was. I didn't even have my wings yet. I grew up clueless just like every child that grows up here. The reason why I say yes and no, is because I had a life before the walls."

Zandra's thought: Wait,why am I telling them this? Erwin, am I suppose to be telling them this? am I even allowed to do this?

MP: "Wait, your telling me that you lived before the walls?"

Z: "Yes, but I know just as much as you do about the titans. Look, I was there when the titans first came. There were too many. After that day, I was killed and brought back home."

Zandra's thought: What the hell am I doing? And why hasn't Erwin stopped me? is he actually going along with this?

MP: "Wait, so you were brought back to life?"

Z: "Yes, and when I was brought back, my family decided to make me suffer even more and make me grow up again. And since I was a baby, I didn't have any memories."

MP: "When did you gain back your memories?"

Z: "When I was 10. The memories stopped coming back when I was 12. I stopped growing at age 16 when I was first born into this world. And now since it has been 20 years since I came back, I no longer grow. Unless I wanted to change how old I looked. I'm sorry but how is going to help you gain custody over me?"

MP: "We would at least like to know what we are dealing with before we decide to kill you."

Z: "Hate to beak it to you, but I can't die, only my family can decide when I die. And I don't even die, I'm just banned from coming to earth here."

MP: "Huh???!!?! Banned from Earth?"

Erwin's mind message to Zandra: Go ahead and tell them who you really are, Zandra. They can't hurt you.

Zandra's mind message to Erwin: Yes, but they can hurt you! And I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you got hurt. Especially if hurt by the Military Police.

Erwin's mind message to Zandra: It's okay Zandra. Everything will be okay, just tell them the truth before they find out what we are doing.

Z: "Yes, banned from Earth, that means I don't quite live here."

MP: "That means, you aren't human!"

Z: "It means, that I'm a goddess, aka, I'm immortal."

After that, everyone went quite. I could see the whole time that Eren was looking at me like he couldn't believe that this was happening. His green eyes grew even wider when I said that I was a goddess. He should really get used of this, I still haven't said a lot. And those kind of things, are things that I need to speak with him alone.

Z: "Are we done with the questions now?"

This was really getting annoying. I'd rather talk with Neil (Commander of Military Police) alone. A lot of these people shouldn't be hearing this.

MP: "Yes, for now, I would like to speak with you alone later. Some people here shouldn't be hearing this."

Z: "Damn right! I'm not even suppose to be here. Your not even suppose to know who I am."

MP: "....... Okay, but I have one more question to ask, Erwin, did you know about this?"


The room went silent, all eyes on Erwin, he still held his expressionless face. What that hell was this guy thinking? Didn't him and Erwin used to be friends? And now he is theatning him?! Come on Erwin, don't screw up your answer!

E: "Yes, I knew it the whole time, even before she gained he memories. When she was brought to me. The man asked if I could take care of this child. Little did I know at the time that he was my father. A week before Zandra gained her memories back, I was taken to where her home is and was taught what she really was and who I really am. There, I learned all about them and how important they are to this world."


"Okay, before we get too far on this subject, let's stop and see what the survey corps think about Eren and Zandra." The judge stopped the MP before we got too far. "Commander Erwin, your side please,"

"Yes sir," Erwin started, "I, Commander Erwin Smith, 13th commander of the Survey Corps, would like to welcome Eren as one of us. And to welcome Zandra as her true self. We have investigated that the answer to the Titans might be held in the basement of the Jeager household in Zhiganshina. In about a month, we will go on an expedition to find a route to Zhiganshina and set up supply points on the way."

"With Eren Jeager, and Zandra Smith with you?" the judge asked.

"Yes, with there help, we have a chance to surviving the titans. I've known Zandra for 20 years, I've seen her at her best, and I've seen her at her worst, she is no doubt a friend to humanity, and that is her responsibility of being here in the first place. That's what her name means, defender of humanity. And she is the reason why we are all still here today. And for Eren, Zandra has met him in the past and has told me what a great kid he is and when she met him that one day, she could see it in his eyes that he was determined to help humanities win against the titans. His power certainly can not be wasted."

"Is that it?" the judge asked.

"Yes sir." Erwin replied.


Hey people, I don't want this chapter to be too long, so I'm gonna make another one for the trial. Don't worry! My fav part is coming up!

Her Wings (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora