Chapter 4: It's Her Again!

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Chapter 4: It's Her Again!

Eren's POV

Last night we graduated.

Now we were sent to do our first task as soldiers....

Clean the fixed cannons... :(


But before we were sent off to do that task, the Survey Corps were leaving for an expedition!

When they were walking through Trost (the city we are in) a lot of people had high hopes for the Scouting Legion. I even got to see Levi Heichou! He was riding one of thoses tall horses that were specially breeded to the Survey Corps.

But the girl next to him riding on a black horse looked awfully familiar...

Then a flashback came to mind...


It was when Zandra beat up those two Garrison memebers!

"Hey, Eren!" Armin said, "Isn't that Zandra from when we were at the refugee camp?"

"Yea! It is!" I cheered. I wanted to get her attention because I wanted to talk to her again.

"Zandra!" I was waving at her. She noticed me. When she saw me she looked surprised and confused at the same time. Then she said something to Levi Heichou, and came over by us.

Zandra's POV:

Today was the day...

The day Erwin said I could finally come along on an expedition! I was so excited! I mean, we weren't going outside the walls, but we were still heading into Titan territory!

I wanted to just scream with joy all the way there. But I had to keep it professional. Erwin and Levi always did. When I saw the new trainees, I was wondering how many of them had the guts to join the Scouting Legion.

When the trainees recognized Levi, they kept saying all these things about how strong he was. I mean, I thought it was quite funny how they thought of Levi. I bet if they knew how Levi really was, they probably would look at him different.

"Tsk. Shut up," Levi said quietly as people were saying stuff about him.

He is so stubborn...

Then I heard my named called! I looked where the voice came from and a boy was staring at me waving happily. He looked awfully familiar... His two friends beside him did too...

Then a flashback came to mind...


"Are you sure your okay?" I asked him again.

"Yea I'm fine,"

"Okay, I love that you had the courage to stand up like that, but you should really think about your actions." I explained, "I mean no one will know how things will turn out, but that one was pretty obvious."

He was still looking at me in shock.

"The Scouting Legion," He said randomly.

"What?" I was confused for half a second, then I caught on, "Oh yeah, I'm apart of the Survey Corps."

His two friends by his side was as shocked as he was.

"Then, why are you here? With the Garrison?" He asked.

"We'll it's kind of a long story," I said.

I really didn't want to talk about it.

"By the way, what's your name?" He asked.

"Zandra, what's all your names?"

"I'm Eren, and this is Mikasa and Armin," He replied.


(Back to normal time)

I looked over to Levi who was looking forward this whole time.

"Hey, I need to talk to someone quickly, I'll be back before we leave," I told Levi.

"Okay, but don't make it too long," he replied coldly, it's like he never wanted me to leave his side.

I rode my horse over to Eren. And when I got to them I got off my horse so I could be eye-level with them... Well almost... Eren was slightly taller than me.

"Zandra!" Eren looked happy! "It's been so long!" he pulled me in for a hug.

"Yea! it has!" I replied. I couldn't just stand there and not give Armin and Mikasa a hug.

"Wow you guys have gotten tall!" I said, "Congrats on graduating training camp!"

"Thanks!" Armin replied.

"So have you guys decided on what branch you were joining?" I asked.

Then they all looked at each other and nodded.

"We are all joining the Scouting Legion," Eren told me with a straight face.

I was happy and shocked at the same time. I didn't know how to react, but my green eyes grew wide.

"Uh, wow, really?" I said shocked.

"Yes, we believe that the more people who join the Scouting Legion, the better chance humanity will win and survive this battle."

Wow, I didn't know what to do or say....

"Zandra! Come on! They are about to open the gate!" Petra called for me.

"Coming!" I replied.

"Look I have to get going, but I wish you three the best of luck!" I told them.

"As to you," Armin said.

"Thank you," I said relieved. "I guess I will see you guys later."

And that's when I left them, to join with the Survey Corps.


Hey guys! How did u like it? I told you that there was gonna be more of Zandra! I don't really know anything else to say here so... Yea



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