Chapter 11: Meeting Erwin, Levi and Zandra as Different People

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Chapter 11: Meeting Erwin, Levi and Zandra as Different People

Eren's POV:

We were sitting in a room, with Zandra sitting in a chair next to me with her knees up to her chest. Commander Erwin was sitting in a chair on the opposite side of the room, Levi was leaning against the wall and Mike was looking out the window. Hanji Zoe, was cleaning up the blood on my face. And I held a cold rag to the side of my face where Levi had first kicked me.

Hanji Zoe dabbed my face a little more with another rag. The cold rag touching the side of my face made me filinch as it hurt just to touch it.

"Sorry, does that hurt?" Hanji asked me.

"Yea, a little," I responded back quietly.

"I'm sorry. But thanks to that, we had you turned over to us, and when Zandra fell due to Levi's defense, she was able to stay with us." Erwin said walking over to me.

"Yes sir," I replied back.

"The pain and defeat you two endured allowed me to play my cards, at the right moment." Erwin said while kneeling down to reach my height of sitting down. "You have my respect," he said holding out his hand. "Eren, I look forward to working with you," he said with a smile on his face.

"Yes, sir! Thank you!" I shook his hand.

Levi came and sat down by me, and I flinched. I don't really know why.

"Hey, Eren." Levi spoke.

"Yes, sir?" I asked

"Do you resent me?"

"N-No... I understand why it was necessary," I replied back.

"Yea, me too. As I broke free of my handcuffs, that was the moment I realized what was going on, and that's why I let you throw me to the side." Zandra said still holding her knees to her chest.

"That's good." Levi spoke. "I'm sorry that you had to see that, Zandra." Levi apologized to Zandra.

"It's fine, I've seen worse." She said back.

"But you took it a little too far. you lost a tooth." Hanji said while unfolding the cloth that held my tooth.

"Don't pick that up... It's creepy." Levi said.

"Even this is an important sample. Hey Eren... Let me see inside of your mouth." Hanji asked.

I opened my mouth wide enough for her to see it. Everyone was for some reason shocked.

"The tooth," Hanji began, "It's already grown back?!"


After Hanji and Mike left, it was just commander Erwin, Levi Heichou, Zandra and I. It was quiet, no one was speaking. I couldn't hold it back anymore! I had so many questions. I don't want to sound stupid! But it's just that Zandra is a goddess! And I have to ask her some questions she might know! But the thing is, that I don't want to make me sound desperate. And I don't even know if I should bring this up right now. I might feel better if I just brought it up if Zandra and I were alone.

That's it, I couldn't take it anymore. But I had to make it sound calm, like that I'm not desperate to know.

"Look, I don't want to sound like I need to know everything, but Zandra, what are you?" I asked hesitavley.

Zandra looked at me and sighed. then she looked at both Commander Erwin and Levi Heichou. They both nodded at her. She got out of her chair, and came and sat next to me on the bench I was sitting on. She held my free hand in hers like in a way to comfort me.

"Listen, Eren..." Zandra began, "Look, I know that you know that I'm not human, that I live forever. But the thing is... Them two guys over there, the ones who I consider my family, are not fully human."

"W-What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Look now is not the best time for this, I promise you that later on you will understand," Zandra pleaded.

"What?" I am so confused,why can't she tell me now? but I'm also a little scared. I needed to know now before I get too far.

"Eren, can we please talk about this another time? I shouldn't have even started to talk... You should get some rest, tomorrow we are heading to HQ." Zandra asked.

"U-Umm, okay." was all that I could manage.

"Look, Eren, someday you will understand... Just today is not that day. I'm sorry to leave you thinking about what I just told you, but I think it's best if we wait. just promise us that you won't tell anyone. Not even Mikasa and Armin. They also will understand everything soon. Just please promise me." Zandra asked in an ever so polite and comfortable way.

"Yea, I promise," I said giving a small smile while saluting her.

In response, she gave me a warm smile and I felt releved. Wait, releved? I just found out something huge about them three! Why am I not freaking out?!?! I guess she isn't lying when she said she was a goddess. She was beautiful, with her deep green eyes like mine, and brown hair like mine but hers was long and she had it in a side braid to her right side.

Wait, she has the same hair and eyes as me?

"Now that I'm really looking at you, you two look a lot a like," Erwin spoke.

"Yea, they do," Levi added.

"W-What do you mean we look a like? He can't be my brother, I don't even know my parents, and he is mortal."

"It's just that you two look a like to me..." Erwin said.


Hi guys! Yea, so Zandra is Greek and she is a goddess. So in this story, there will be like, Greek mythology. Sorry if ya don't like that :(

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