Chapter 3: 3D Maneuver Gear

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Chapter 3: 3D Maneuver Gear

Eren's POV:

We finally made it!

We are now training to be soldiers!

And what's sad is that I already have an enemy here..... Jean Kirstien...

Anyway, tomorrow, we start training...

An the first thing we are training is...

3-Dimensional Maneuver Gear...

And I can't wait!


"First, we'll evaluate what you have! Anyone unable to do this cant even serve as a decoy! They will be sent to the frontier." Commander Keith told us.

I was hanging upside down, trying to think how to do this. The commander came up to me.

"What are you doing Eren Jaeger?!" He screamed at me. "Pick yourself up!"

I noticed that a lot of people who were watching were snickering at me.

"What is this? How am I suppose to do this?" I thought to myself. "This can't be happening..."


Later that day before dinner...

"Stick to the basics, and you should be fine." Mikasa told me. "Dot worry about doing well. Watch the balance and stay centered. Slowly rest your weight on the belts attached to your hips and feet."

"Stay calm, and you can do it. I was able to." Armin added.

"Okay, I think I can do it this time!" I said proudly, but still a bit worried. "Raise me, Armin."

Armin nodded and turned the lever that raised me up. Once I got a foot off the ground, I lost balance and hit my head on the ground, hard. I don't quite remember what happened next, but we were now at the mess hall eating. I had bandages around my head and I was too shocked to do anything because what I heard my comrades saying about me. Then Mikasa interrupted my thoughts.

"Eren," Mikasa put a hand on my shoulder.

"There's no point in worrying. You'll just have to figure it out tomorrow." Armin tried to calm me down.

"I'm pathetic..." I said outloud. "I'll never be able to kill them all like this." I confessed.

"You should let that idea go." Mikasa said. Armin and I just looked at her in shock.

"What?!" I asked her, if she didn't want to join the military, she didnt have to. I hate when she is over protective over me.

"You should give up on being a soldier. There are other ways to fight than by throwing away your life." Mikasa said.

"Listen here... I saw what happened that day! You really think you can convince me this way?" I questioned her.

"But it doesn't matter how much you want it."

"Why not?"

"It's not your decision whether you end up a soldier or not, Eren."

The bell rang, but Mikasa kept talking about me not becoming a soldier. I was tired of hearing about it.

"Let's go, Armin," I told him.

"S-Sure," Armin responded.

After, Armin and I went up to the other guys in our cabin for help on the maneuver gear. We asked Jean and Connie, which was a stupid idea. Then we asked Reiner and Bertolt, they are one of the best at the 3D Maneuver Gear. Sadly, they didnt tell me anything to help. But they told me where they are from. They are from a village southeast of Wall Maria! So that means, humans can live outside! But it still doesn't make any sense to me.

But they told me that before I take my final exam, to double check my equipment before I start.


The next day, exam day...

Before I knew it, I was being raised up. I kept my balance. Then when I was fully up, I stuck out my arms and...
I didn't fall over!
I did it!

Then, I fell over...
So close...

"N-Not yet! I'm not giving up yet!" I yelled.

The commander just stared at me.
"Put him down," he ordered.

I got to my knees. Everyone was staring at me.

"Wagner, change belts with Jaeger," he commanded.

When I was raised up again, I could do it! I didn't fall over!

"Your equipment was defective. The fitting on your belt was damaged. I've never heard of this part getting damaged. I'll have to add it to the maintenance checklist," commander Keith told me.

"Th-Then, did I pass?" I asked.

"You're fine. Commence training."

I did a double fist in the air and thought, " I did it! I really did it! Did u see that, Mikasa? I can do this! I can fight the titans! I don't need u taking care of me anymore!"

Then all the trainees who past went into the woods to now practice actually moving with the maneuver gear. There are no words to describe how it felt. It felt like I was flying! Through the air, and swinging around felt like the best feeling in the world! It felt like I was...
What's that word again?
Oh, yeah...



Sup AOT fandom! Sorry, I noticed that I start all of these end notes with "Hey guys!" So that's getting a bit boring. And sorry about that these first 2 chapters are like the show, but don't worry, remember Zandra? Trust me... There will be more of her in future chapters! :D


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