Episode 5: Can of Worms

Start from the beginning

We walked in right as Zane said his 'part'.

"How am I supposed to strike fear in this? It's PINK!" Eden decided this was a good time to intervene... very sarcastically might I add. "And yet you still say that so very, very manly." Zane glared at her before they all started arguing. I sighed as Sensei walked in and shook his head. Liz walked over to the sliding bathroom door and opened it. And there, once again, stood Lloyd chuckling and laughing at his cleverness. Me, Eden and Liz all glared at the 'evil' boy, while the guys gasped and said in unison "you did this!?!" when they noticed all the necessities that were needed for all the different pranks that had happened that morning, including my cord, an open packet of macaroni & cheese, and a jar with a little habitat inside.

They narrowed their eyes at the young kid, while Cole said "guys, I get first dibs," and immediately stomped over to Lloyd. Lloyd got scared for a moment until Sensei came to his defense. "No dibs!" he said angrily,"I put him up to this for today's lesson, to show you the destructive power of rumors and that jumping to conclusions can only lead to trouble" there was silence for a minute, until Sensei continue "did you ever think to find out if the accusations were true?" "No offense, Sensei, but let me jump to this conclusion, today's lesson is lame," Cole said annoyed.

 "You're lame, Cole" I said in a childish voice but was ignored by the black ninja "I agree with Cole, why can't you teach us to paralyze your enemy with one finger, or find out if a man is lying by the twitch of his nose," Jay ranted. "Because not all lessons are about fighting!" Sensei said annoyed, but then Sensei hesitantly said "and it seems I have misplaced my lesson book." Kai looked over at Lloyd and noticed a book sticking out of his pants, and walked over and grabbed it from him and said "you mean this lesson book?" Lloyd glared at Kai then everyone and said "it was the perfect plan, until you had to show up and mess everything up-" there was more to that sentence, but we couldn't hear him because Cole closed the door on him. When he did, I could hear Eden trying to hold back a laugh,

I will admit, it was funny cause Lloyd just continued to talk, even afterward. Cole dusted off his hands "Uh if you guys are done fooling around. I need you on the bridge, we do still have a snake problem to attend to, over and out." Nya said over the speaker. "She's right guys, let's head up," I said turning to leave.

"It's one thing to let the son of your nemesis live with you, but letting my sister live here. I thought this was a ninja headquarters." Kai complains. 'Was he implying that girls can't be ninjas' I thought. "You do know I can hear you, over and out." Nya spoke again. Liz smiled childishly "ooooo you're in trouble"

"Were you trying to say something Kai?" Eden asked crossing her arms. He suddenly became very nervous when he looked at us girls, all crossing our arms waiting for a reply. "Oh uh..um.. NO!" He stuttered and ran passed to get up to the bridge. I walked over to the bathroom, grabbed my cord, and hung it around my neck for later. Then I grabbed Lloyd's arm "Come on Mr. Evil Genius".

I let go before we got there only to jump on Cole's back and commanded him to carry me. He rolled his eyes, but grabbed my legs and did as I said. I put my head on his shoulder so I could see, only to look at Cole's pink cheeks. I smiled and mentally tried to cool off my also hot face.

He let go once we got to the control room. "Last we heard of Pythor, he stole the Map of Dens from Lloyd. And is now on his way to open the last two Serpentine tombs." I saw a guilty look wash over Lloyd as he said "don't remind me", so I pulled him into a comforting side-hug.

"Pythor's our most dangerous threat. If he finds those tombs before we do, with his intellect, and all four tribes unleashed. There's no telling what he'll do." Sensei said solemnly. "But those tombs could be anywhere! Without the Map of Dens, we might as well throw darts at a map." Jay explained. Nya picked up a few darts saying "Good idea, why don't we?" And threw them at Kai's head. Sadly he ducked and they landed on the map.

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