Episode: 1 Rise of the Snakes

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Ireland's P.O.V.

"GAAAHHH!!!" I said falling to what I thought was my death. Apparently I had blacked out for a few minutes when I first started falling. But, I had ended waking up and realized that I was still falling through the cyclone thing. Eden and Liz were still next to me,but Liz had woken up. We fall for a few more minutes, till the green swirly stuff vanished and we were falling from the sky. I looked around, and the sky looked almost cartoon-ish. Yes I know, weird things to notice when your falling to your death, but hey, this is me were talking about. Another thing I noticed was that we were falling towards a forest, which was coming towards us quickly.  My eyes widened 'so this is how I'm gonna go? I always thought I'd die in my sleep.'

But the universe seems to have a lot of surprises for me today, because next thing I know i hear a noise that sounds lie a electric guitar being strummed as well as a tingling feeling going through my body. And as we were about to hit the ground, I closed my eyes tight waiting for impact, but... I stopped falling. 

I opened my eyes as couldn't feel the wind hit my back any more and saw that I was... FLOATING! Some cartoon looking sound waves or something like that had broke our fall. We floated for a few more seconds before the sound waves disappeared and we fell the last three feet. "Ow" I said sitting up and rubbing my butt. Liz said the same thing, then asked "what was that?" I shrugged "I have no idea, it was cool though". She gave a small hum of agreement, looking at the clearing we landed in. 

"Ireland?" "Yeah?" I responded looking over at her, but when I did what I saw surprised me. "Liz, you're... you're uh... you're 2D." Her eyes widened and she looked at her hands then back to me. "So are you" I had the same reaction, then we both looked over at the still unconscious Eden. Yep, she's 2D too. 

Lizzy gulped "Well this isn't weird" "Nope, not at all" I replied both sarcastic and scared. I looked at the sky that we just fell from. No trace of that green thing that, I'm guessing, brought us here. "U-u-um, I, look over here p-please" she said scared "What is i-" there's a bunch of branches from the trees slowly approaching her... BY... THEMSELVES. "O-o-okay, t-that's one of the             o-oddest things s-seen today." They seem to stop moving right before they touch her.

She fearfully shuffled her hand behind her and the branches seemed to followed her movement. Liz started to calm down a bit when she saw they weren't advancing on her anymore. With another movement the trees followed. The trees were mimicking her!

They started slinking back to there original places when the brunette moved her hands in a pushing motion. Once they were there they seemed to stop copying her, even when she started doing this ridiculous dance while standing up. She pouted when they stopped.

Suddenly this REALLY bright light comes from Eden's direction and when it dims there's Eden. Laying in the same place but all the color around her, like in the grass, was gone. It was like she was the only colored thing in a black and white movie. She started waking up, and the color started draining back into the surroundings. It was actually really cool to watch.

"What is going on" Eden asked rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "You slept through that?!" Liz exclaimed "Slept through what?" she asked genuinely confused. "The... giant... light thingy!" "What giant light thingy?" I sighed and explained to her what had happened before she woke up. "Whoa" we nodded "yeah, whoa."

The two 5'2" girls talk about what's happening as I stand and look around. Looking around, it's actually a really nice forest. Everything's really pretty and green. Lush. The wind suddenly picks up from a light breeze to a constant gust. "What did you do?!" They yell at me 'seriously'. I through my up in an 'I surrender' motion. "It wasn't me, I blame Nellie!" The wind picks up even more and lifts a bunch of leaves off the ground and forms them into a little tornado about 6 feet tall in front of the three of us (Liz and Eden had ran behind me). 

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