Chapter 9~ Strange Feelings

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"Are you sure you're alright", Loki asks me.

"Yes, I'm sure. It startled me a bit, that's all", I say and give him a reassuring smile.

Loki still looks at me with a suspicious look, but he let's it go. He walks away and I'm left standing there, wondering what just happened. Why did I have such a strange feeling when looking in his eyes. What is it about Loki that makes me feel this way, that makes me feel so different, unlike anything I have ever felt.

I just can't figure it out, maybe I should just let it go. Clint walks towards me and taps me on the shoulder.

"Are you alright?".

"Yeah, I'm fine".

"You sure?".

"Why do you ask that?"

"Because you don't like fine, you like quite shaken. Like somebody put you upside down".

"It certainly feels that way", I whisper

"Huh? Did you say something?".

"No, I was just thinking to myself. You don't have to worry about me, I'll be alright".

"Good, if you say so. But if somethings up, you know you can always come to me, right?".

"Of course I know that Clint, you're like a brother".

"Be careful", Clint says and walks off.

Hmm, strange. It seems like Clint already knows what's going on. I guess that's normal after spending these years together so close. He really knows me, he probably already knows what's going on before I have even realized it. 

I shake my head and walk towards the door. I really need my Starbucks coffee, I need to focus and coffee helps with that. Just when I'm about to walk out of our hideout, someone calls my name. I turn around to find out that it's Loki who called me.

"Where are you going Kate?", Loki asks me

"I'm going out for a while, to get some coffee".

Loki sighs and shakes his head and then laughs. What's wrong with him. Did I say something funny, I thought I didn't.

"I thought you were going to leave", Loki says.

"Yeah, I'm leaving this place for a while to get some coffee. But I'm coming back right after I got my coffee", I reassure Loki.

"That's fine, but I think it might be smart if I accompany you".

"Uhm, you think? Right now you're on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s most wanted list, they're using every camera there is out there to look for you. I think you accompanying me, is actually the dumbest thing to do".

"I won't go looking like this, I'll go in a disguise and so will you. Right now they're also looking for you, since you joined me", Loki remind me

"You're right about that, I totally forgot about that. See that's why I need my coffee. I'm a mess without it. But the disguises idea really is smart".

"Don't scream when you suddenly find yourself looking different than you do now, it's the disguise".

"Okay, I won't scream", I answer and give him a small smile.

Loki doesn't return the smile, but I definitely can see the corner of his mouth curling up. He has this sexy half smirk. Wait, did I just say sexy? What's wrong with me, why do I keep thinking these weird things around Loki.

Maybe I need to go to a doctor and get myself checked out or something. Let's just get the coffee, after that I'm sure I'll be more focused and less strange. I notice Loki is already walking way ahead of me, crap, I spaced out again.

"Are you coming or are you gonna keep standing there like a statue?", Loki asks me

"I'm coming".

I quickly run up to Loki and walk besides him. But he isn't Loki, he looks completely different. If I wouldn't know that he is Loki, I wouldn't notice it. Wow, what a great disguise, his magic sure comes in handy. I wonder what I look like. I 'm sure we'll walk past some windows where I can see how I look.

When I walk past my reflection I see a hot blonde women, she looks gorgeous.  The women matches the way Loki's disguise looks perfectly. They look like a matching couple. Funny, did Loki do that on purpose? 

"Why do our looks, match so good?", I ask Loki

"Because that way, we would stand out less", is his simple answer.

I just nod my head and walk on. Maybe Loki likes this type of woman, the hot blonde. Of course he likes that kind of woman, she looks hot. Unlike me, with my freaky purple hair and eyes. Great now I'm down, ugh, I really need my coffee.

Luckily we round the corner and I see the big Starbucks sign. Thank god, or I would scream. I quickly cross the street and walk to the door. Before I can open the door myself, Loki has already opened the door for me. What a gentleman, such good manners. Seems like he was raised well, as a prince. 

I thank Loki and walk in and go to the counter. I order my coffee, extra strong and so does Loki. I chuckle at that, I saw Loki more as a tea person.

" What's so funny?", Loki asks me

" Nothing".

"You don't laugh about nothing".

"I just thought it was funny, that you ordered a coffee".

"And that's funny to you, because?"

"I just expected you to be a tea person, that's all".

"Very funny indeed", Loki says sarcastically

What a sour pout.

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