Chapter 4 ~ Joining S.H.I.E.L.D.?

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~Author's note~

I also revised this chapter a bit, I saw that it was really short and needed more explenation, so here it is. Maybe you will understand her a bit better now and I will work on the next chapter right after this

~End author's note~

Natascha takes me back to the big room, where Nick and Clint are waiting on me.

"I assume your training went well, since Natascha isn't angry", Nick says

"Who says I'm not angry", Natascha anwsers

"You don't look angry and she's still alive".

"You got me there. Everything went fine. She did perfect, even better than I ecxpected".

"That's great to hear. I guess you can join S.H.I.E.L.D. In that case", Nick says to me

"And what will happen if I join you?", I ask

"You will train daily, sleep, eat, drink and live here. You will have to go on missions that are speciffically chosen for your abbilities. Basically you will be some kind of special spy".

"I'm not sure if I'm up for that. I mean I'm still an art student, I'm not experienced enough. And besides I'm just a girl with a freaky power, not some kind of top class person, I'm not even athletic".

"You don't have to worry about that, we will take care of you. We will train you as good as possible and help you out, with everything. You won't be doing this alone, Clint and Natascha will help you the whole way", Nick anwsered and gave me a kind smile

I really thinks this is a great oppurtunitym but it's all going so fast. But then again, I've never been the kind of person to think about things for too long. I always jump into things, whitout actually considering the pro's and con's.

The desert painting was something I came up with spontainiously , I always do things, before I think about it. But this is a huge thing, not something small. This is a life changing decision. But if I don't join them, how will I ever figure out what my powers are and how I can control them. What if I end up destrying something, cause I can't handle my new powers. It seems that this really is the best option.

"It doesn't sound that bad. It sounds okay, but freaky. I guess I don't really have much of a choice. I will do it, I will join S.H.I.E.L.D.".

"That's a deal then, kiddo".

Nick shakes my hand and gives me a big smile. Natascha and Clint also smile at me. 

Welcome new home.

Sorry, that it's so short, but this is cause of the time skip. After this there will be a short summary of what has happened to her and then the story will start with the Avengers and Loki!!

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