Chapter 6 ~ The beginning

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Apparently this Loki of Asgard has attacked the ground base and took the tesseract with him and Clint. He turned Clint into his puppet, by touching him at the heart, with his scepter. I don't know what that thing is, but I'm sure that I will deffitnely break the damn thing, if I ever come across it. 

How dare he, stupid god. Who does he think he is, to just walk into our top secured base, take the tesseract, kill agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and then take Clint and the doctor with him, the bloody b*stard. I will burn him into a thousand little crisps if I ever meet him. I will burn him alive and then burn his ashes, just to be sure he's really dead.

Natascha taps me on the shoulder and gives me a calming look, she nows I'm fuming right now. She knows hom much I care about Clint, just as I know how much he means to her. I shouldn't be complaining, she loves him, with all her heart, she's in love with him, but doesn't admit it to herself. Cause of some things in here past, she sees loving someone as a weakness. 

I suddenly notice that S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are running around, it's kind of a mess. More like a chaos, everyone is running everywhere. Nick gets a little aggitated by it, so I make a small flame and let it circle around the room, to warn people for Nick's Fury. 

The people notice the flame and then look to my direction. They see Nick looking aggitated and stop immeaditely with running around. Everyone slowly walks to their desks or wherever they should be. 

Nick turns around and gives me a glance, I just smile weakly, showing him that I mend it good. Nick huffs and walks to his screens and starts to give orders. Everyone is calming down a bit and things are kind of back to normal. 

Nick looks at us and tells Natascha that she has to locate someone for him and bring him back here. Since I just got back from a mission and need to recharge, Nick tells me to rest real good, cause I'm gonna need all the power I can get.

This kind of makes me feel uneasy, since Nick normally doesn't say things like this. This only proves to me how serious this all is and that I need to take it easy. I nod at Nick and give Natasha a hug and then walk towards my room.

I have a special room, mine is fire proof and has a real fire place, so i can kind of vent out my powers on it. It's nice to be able to make the room get warmer or colder, by using my fire, without burning everything down.

When I arrive at my room I quickly change into my sleeping outfit and crash onto the bed. Before I ever realise it, I'm allready sleeping, dreaming about everything that just happened.

Sorry that it's so short. But after this the Avengers will come and the whole Loki thing. Be prepared, cause it's gonna be fun!

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