"Considering all the dimwits that attend this school, it's not surprising that they think that." Emma said, shaking her head.

"But they have no real evidence to prove it." I said, my voice revealing just how shocked I was. Scorpius wouldn't do something like that and anybody who knew Scorpius would know that.

"I'm a Malfoy, that's proof enough for them." Scorpius mumbled, his eyes focused on the newspaper and it's horrible words.

I was going to say something when I was interrupted by Eric Mclaggen. He was the stereotypical self righteous Gryffindor, the kind that gives all Gryffindors the reputation for being reckless and stupid.

"Malfoy," Mclaggen slammed down the Daily Prophet on our table startling everyone. "Care to explain this?" He said, his voice threatening.

Scorpius rolled his eyes, barely sparing Mclaggen a glance. "Last time I checked, you're capable of reading however inadequately."

Mclaggen sneered. "Funny, Malfoy. We all know you planned this along with all of your death eater friends."

Scorpius stood up, but he was nothing short of calm and collected. "I had nothing to do with this. But obviously a moron like you is incapable of understanding that." His voice was cold and deadly.

Mclaggen puffed out his chest before turning to Nicoletta. "And you." He pointed an accusing finger at her. "You got here this year right as shit started unfolding. Don't think that it hasn't gotten past me."

This entire time Nicolette's had remained silent, bitting her pinky in a nervous manner. Her eyes were glazed over, looking at nothing in particular. It wasn't until Mclaggen addressed her, that she became aware of her surroundings and what was happening.

"She had nothing to do with this either." Scorpius said, staring down Mclaggen.

He raised a eyebrow. "Yeah? Then why is she so silent?"

As Nicoletta was incapable of defending herself or at least it seemed like that due to her lack of talking. I stepped in. I was trying my hardest to be nice to her, no matter how annoying she could be. "Bugger off, Eric."

He took a step back. "Really Weasley?" He asked, his voice conveying his disgust. "Associating yourself with scum like this. Could you get any lower?"

I turned away. Not because I was afraid of him, but because I knew that I had to get ahold of my temper if I wanted to avoid doing something I would regret. My hands shook and I clenched and unclenched them multiple times trying to calm myself down.

I was almost completely calm, or as calm as someone like me could be in that situation, when he mumbled, "You could do so much better."

And then I did the stupidest thing I could have done, I turned around and punched him square in the face.

It's one thing to insult me, but it's another to insult my friends and think you can get away with it. I was nothing if not loyal to the people I cared about.

I heard a loud crunch as my fist met bone, breaking his nose. Blood spurted everywhere, but I didn't care.

He howled in pain, cupping his nose with his hands. He shot me a dirty look as he sat there on the ground trying to stop the blood flow.

A Rose in a Million • Rose Weasley Where stories live. Discover now