Chapter 30: Deam in Wonderland

Start from the beginning

"Why hello there~"

Looking up, Deam met eyes with a cat lounging up in the oak tree.

"What, cat got your tongue?" With a smirk and a chuckle, the cat slinked its way down to Deam's feet. "My my, you've been busy."

"Your telling me." The white haired girl muttered. "I just got lectured by a bug."

Another chuckle. "The caterpillar, I presume."

"Yep." Sniffing, Deam unfurled the creases in her blouse before standing back up to greet the smirking cat. "And you are?"



"Deam? What a peculiar name."

"Why would that be?"

A smile creeped onto the Cheshire cat's lips. "Deam means Goddess in Latin."

The girl snorted. "Please, I'm anything but."

"You'd be surprised." Crawling around her legs and settling himself on a rough root of the oak tree that protruded from the ground, the Cheshire Cat licked its paws in a bored manner. "You must be wanting to go home, yes? There are many who enter our world and soon seek escape."

"Yes... I want to leave this place. It makes my head spin."

"You say leave as if it's so easy." He grins. "Are you sure you want to leave in the first place?"

"Of course!" Deam exclaims through gritted teeth. "I was taken here by force!"

After a long silence, the Cheshire Cat exhaled a large sigh. "If that's your wish, your way out will pass by in a second or two."

"In a sec-!?"

A rustling in the bushes behind the pair of acquaintances took Deam by surprise. Whipping around, her heart ceased to beat a second or two as she came face to face with a white rabbit.


The Cheshire grimaced as the white figure hurriedly hopped out from the olive thicket.

"This is Deam, she'd like to-"

"No time Spades!!" The rabbit swallowed nervously, feet stamping repeatedly on the dirt, raring to go. "The Hatter's requested more tea leaves ASAP! He'll have me by the ears if I don't get them to him in 10 minutes flat!"

And with that, the rabbit was off in the blink of an eye.

"W-wait up!!"

As quick as a flash, Deam was off and running, heels clicking against the dirt. Not even sparing a goodbye to the Cheshire, the fair girl sped through the thicket, almost catching up to the speedy rabbit.

"Hey...!" Panting, but on his tail, Deam sped forward, in arms reach from her target.

Suddenly, two walls clicked into place, Deam running smack bang into the middle of him. It hit her like a brick wall, her face taking the brunt of the impact, the small girl was flung back onto the dirt.

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