Chapter 13

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Throughout the rest of the week Evan would walk me to my car and kiss me goodbye. We hadn't really made anything official so I guess it's just casual. I didn't really think to much into it, after all it's not like we were doing anything serious.

Hannah kept telling me it was a bad idea, I knew she was right. But it felt so natural and easy. How could something that feels like this be wrong?

Today was the last day of filming, and we were being told if we were signed on for next season or not. I was a wreck. This was the first long term job I've had in a while, I need this money.

I could barely pay attention as I signed in Hunter and kissed him goodbye.

When I got to work Evan opened my door for me and helped me with my stuff.

"Hey babe? You ok?" he grabbed my hand and ran his thumb across it.

"Yeah I'm fine, just nervous that's all." I told him.

"Hey! Don't worry! You were great this season, they'll love you! Of course you're gonna be on next season." he encouraged.

I gave him a small smile and went into my trailer. I took a deep breathe and sat down on the couch. Calm down! Don't worry, you'll be ok, something else will come along.

Finally they called us for a meeting.

I was shaking as I went in.

We all sat down. Some looking as grim as me.

"So, we discussed it, and ran through the numbers. And we are gonna have to let some of you go. Nothing major, a few extras, but Kaitlin.... we are going to have to let you go. We had someone else in mind for next season. I'm sorry. But I do have a number for a friend of mine who's doing a movie in Rio if you're interested." the director looked at me sympathetically.

I can't believe it, I knew it wasn't gonna last.

I got up and left. What am I gonna do!? I need this job! He did say something about another job.

But I can't stay away from Hunter for that long!

After a while more people filed out, and Evan jogged toward me.

"Babe, I'm so sorry! I can't believe it!" he hugged me.

"It's fine, hey, he offered me another job right!" I said excitedly, fake of course.

"Yeah but it's in Rio, you're not seriously gonna take it are you? What about Hunter? What about us?" he grabbed my hands.

"Is there even an us anymore Evan?" I asked him.

"Of course! At least, I want there to be." he stepped closer.

"Yeah, well if I take this job, there won't be. I can't do long distance. I won't." I told him.

"What? Kaitlin, it's only a few months! It's not like it's a year!" he said, hurt filling his voice.

"I know, but I can't Evan. It's bad enough id have to leave Hunter." I said.

"Then I'll go with you!" he suggested.

"Evan! You have a job! I need this! I can't pay my bills without this." I told him.

"Yes you can! I can support you! I will!" he pleaded.

"Oh yeah, sure..." I rolled my eyes.

"Marry me!" he blurted.

"What?!" I said, in disbelief.

"Marry me! Come on! We should have done it a long time ago, please!" he said again.

"No! Evan, stop. I can't do this right now." I pushed him away and walked over to the director.

"I'll take that audition please." I told him.

"Oh, no audition needed, we sent your tape and he loved it. You got the job if you want it." he told me.

What? Seriously? I have a job?

"Thank you so much!" I hugged him and walked off to my trailer. I had to call hannah.


"Of course you should take it!" she shouted.

"But what about Hunter!?" I asked.

"I can look after him! Don't worry! Just do it, it's a once in a lifetime chance!" she pushed.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes! Now take it!" she said.

That's settled. Looks like I'm going to Rio.

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