Chapter 4

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It's safe to say that after lunch I called in sick. There is no way I could face Evan after what happened at lunch.

So for now I was sitting on the couch watching Hunter play with his kids meal toy.

"So what are you gonna do about tomorrow?" Hannah asked.

I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. Avoid him at all costs.

"Dunno." I replied.

"Well you have to talk to him! I mean he know he has a kid. He's gonna want answers." she said.

I know she's right. But if Evan wanted a custody battle. He's gonna have to kill me first! But knowing Evan he won't. He'll just go back to his career.

"I know! Ok?! You think I haven't been freaking out! What of he tried to take Hunter away from me? Then what?" I asked.

She enveloped me into a hug.

"Then we'll give him one hell of a fight!" she replied.

I smiled at my friends courage and enthusiasm. I know she loves Hunter as much as I do. And would die before anything happened to him.

"Mommy! Look what I can make my toy do!" Hunter came up to me shoving his toy in my face. It was a really cheap you from a movie that had jus come out. Which movie I wasn't sure.

But the look on his face was priceless. He was so cute when he got into something. He put all his energy into that one thing. But then after he got bored with it, he never touched it again.

Typical man behavior. Then again he was 3. So that was also typical behavior for a 3 year old.

"Okay buddy, time for a nap!" I stated picking him up an taking him to his bedroom.

"But mommy! I just got my new toy! Can I please play with it some more?" he pleaded.

Ugh! Those brown eyes could make me cave in a spilt second. Just like his dad.

"Okay! But you have to pinky swear that you'll pick up your toys later on today. Deal?" I asked, holding out my pinky.

He wrapped his little pinky around mine.

"Deal!" he agreed. I put him down and let him go play with his toy some more.

What am I gonna do with that boy?

I smiled and went to my bedroom.

He may not need a nap but I did!

And with that, I passed out!


I mentally groaned as I pulled I to my parking spot on set.

Here we go.

I got out placing my coffee cup ontop of my car so I could collect the rest of my things.

Let's see, script, phone, keys. looks like I got everything.

I grabbed my coffee cup and walked toward my trailer.

I slowly opened it, not wanting a repeat of yesterday.

All clear!

I breathed a sigh of relief.

The morning passed normally. I say in my chair reviewing my script while I got prepped for my scenes.

As the season goes on my scenes with Evan become more frequent. Oh joy!

"Everybody on set!" a voice called.

I sighed, lifting myself off the chair.

Here we go...

I made my way towards the house were I was placed for my next scene. Thankfully this one didn't involve Evan.


"Okay, now in this scene it's you and Tate, in the basement. And you are frustrated because you guys haven't even left the house for a date yet." the director stated.

I know! I read the script!

So here I was. face to face with Evan. He kept glancing my way, and I was practically staring at him trying to read his face.

Was he mad? Does he even want anything to do with Hunter?



After the day was over with I knew that he would try and talk to me. And I was ready. No way was I letting him get the upper hand.

And like clockwork there he was. fist clenched making his way to me.

I crossed my arms. Ready for a fight.

"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?" he demanded.

I rolled my eyes.

"I was trying to tell you, but instead all you wanted to do was talk about yourself, and then you dumped me and left. So excuse me if I didn't try hard enough!" I shot back.

"I have a son! You don't think I have a right to know that?! You had no business keeping him from me!" he yelled.

"I didn't keep him from you!" I stated.

"Oh really? So me not knowing about him for 3 years, that's not keeping him from me?" he retorted. he was shrugging his shoulders a lot. Something he always used to do when we would fight.

"I did that so that you could move on with your career! Remember? The one you thought was so important that you left me?!" I shouted.

"If I had known-" he said

"What? What would you have done? Stayed? Stayed and resented him and me for holding you back?" I questioned.

"I would never do that! I love you to much to do that!" he blurted.

Love? Did he just say love? As in present tense?

I felt my eyes go wide, "What did you say?" I asked.

"I said I love you. I haven't stopped! you think I didn't want to come back? To apologize for everything! To beg you to take me back! Because I have! I thought about it all the time. And that day I saw you on set, all I wanted to do was grab you and kiss you and never let go. But I knew that could never happen, because I hurt you so badly." he finished.

I just stared at him. This man hurt me so badly when he left. And now he's back in my life telling me he still loved me?

I'd be lying if I said I didn't still love him. Not because he said it first. But because if it weren't for him I wouldn't have Hunter.

"You can't do that." I responded.

"Do what?" he asked.

"Say you love me and ten expect things to go back to normal." I said.

"We have a kid! Things will never go back to normal. But I'm willing to try!" he stated.

"No, I have a kid! You have a career. And so do I. You made that decision 3 years ago. So don't. Just don't!" I yelled.

I turned to walk away.

He caught my wrist and pulled me back into him. smashing his lips to mine.

Only this time, it was different.

Pain filled and slow. Like everything he wanted to say was in that one kiss.

And I didn't fight back. Deep down I wanted him. And I didn't know how far I would let this go.

But all I knew at that moment was.

I was falling in love with him all over again.

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