Chapter 2

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Why! The one job I landed in months, and just has to be apart of it! I thought that once he left that was it! I should have known that the universe wouldn't be so kind as to grant me the happiness of never having to see him again!

The rest of the day went about as awkward as you could imagine.

I tried to avoid looking at him but that was damn near impossible since the director wasn't happy with the one scene we had!! And made us redo it at least 15 times. After that though I didn't ave to see him for the rest of taping.


I changed and made my way to the parking lot. It seemed everyone had left. I fished my keys out of my purse and when I looked up he was leaning against my car.

I slowed my pace. Lowering my head and trying to make it to my side of the car.

I heard a second pair of feet rushing toward were I was.

Just as I reached opened the door an all to familiar hand shut it again.

" Did you just plan on not talking to me for the rest of your life?" he spoke.

Still looking down I responded " That was the plan...."

"Look at me!" he shouted.

I flinched. He wasn't a scary person, but he could be.

I lifted my head to look up at him. those damn eyes! I just can't deal with this!

"That's better, now I can see those eyes of yours." he stated smugly.

He put both hands on the either side of my body trapping me.

Before I could turn, his lips attacked mine. And his hands were on both sides of my face holding me there.

He broke the kiss,

"God I've missed these lips!" he stated.

As he started in again I placed my hands on he chest and shoved him off.

Catching him by surprise he stumbled back.

I looked at him glaring slightly.

" 'These' lips are off limits! You think you can walk off and then the moment you see me again act like you didn't do what you did!? You changed my life! I fell hard for you! But you decided that. Your career came first and left me looking stupid. It took months to leave my house. To do anything for that matter! but I had to think about-" I stopped. He looked at me searching my face for anything that might tell him what is was I was going to say.

"Jus forget it, I'm leaving. Dint you ever pull a stunt like that again! You hear me?!" I questioned.

I turned and got into my car and left.

Thank god he didn't see the booster seat in the back.


Evans P.O.V

I stood in that parking lot for what felt like hours after she left. Sifting through the conversation. I know I hurt her when I left. But why does she seems to hate me so much? Dumb question.

You took her virginity asshole! And then months later left for a job!

It not like I didn't feel horrible about it. I even considered turning it down. But I needed a break and this was it!

Still something about the way the conversation ended still had me reeling.

But what I missed the most were her lips! they seemed to fit perfectly on mine. and even though she pushed away I could tell she wanted to kiss back. What is she not telling me? Is it someone else? No it couldn't be! She said it took her months to leave her house and I only left......3 years ago. That long ? Maybe she had found someone else.

The thought of someone else making her as happy, if not happier than I did made my heart twist.

And thinking of someone else making her writhe with pleasure like I once did, making those sweet lips moan. The thought was heart retching.

Thinking back to our time together I remembered the first time. She was so shy, and timid. Little did she know, she was and still remains to be the best I've ever had.

I shook the thought out of my head and went to drive home.


My P.O.V

I pulled up to my small house, it was nice and quiet.....sometimes.

I unlocked the door and immediately I heard the pitter patter of his little feet and the laugher I loved!

"Mommy! I missed you! Don't leave again okay!? " He said, he latched himself onto my leg and looked up at me.

"I'm sorry! He heard you pull up and couldn't wait any longer!" said Hannah.

She was my best friend and I could count on her for anything. she was the one who forced me out of bed. Ad out I to the world again.

"Hunter I told you to wait! You could have gotten hurt!"she scolded.

"It's fine don't worry. So he wasn't to bad was he? I know he can get loud." I asked

"He was perfect! He even cleans up after himself." She stated.

"That's my little man! Good job! Gimmie a hug." I opened my arms up and grabbed him into a hug.

" For being such a good boy I'm gonna send Hannah out to get some icecream for desert after dinner! Sound good?" I asked, knowing the answer.

The way those brown eyes lit up, just melted my heart! But at the same time crushed it. Those eyes reminded me so much of the man who contributed to Hunters existence. The man who can never know Hunter exsists.

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