Chapter 5

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Crap! I have to get out of this! But I don't want to! I've missed this, I've missed him.


Remember how hard it was getting over him the first time!? I have a kid now, he needs me. I can't just leave him to try and rekindle something that may not work out.

But on the other hand, this man is his father. So it's not like he's just some guy...

The kiss ended far quicker than I would have wanted.

"I want to see him." he said.

"What!?" I asked.

"I said I want to see him, I just want to know what he's like. I know that I'm not the best father figure but I'm still his dad." he finished.

"O- ok.... Yeah, but he doesn't know so let me just ease him into it for a few weeks. God Hannah is gonna kill me..." and with that we both parted ways as he followed me home.


I was about to open the door, Evan right behind me.

Here goes nothing.

"I'm home!" I shouted.

And as if right on cue, the little pitter patter of feet ran into the foyer.

I crouched down opening up my arms to wrap him in a hug.

"Mommy!!!" he ran into my arms as I swooped him up.

His giggles filled the room. making me smile.

I continued holding him, swinging him to one side of my hip.

"Mommy, who is that?" Hunter asked.

He was looking at Evan, and Evan was looking at him.

"Well sweetie, this is mommies old friend. We work together." I told him.

"Hey! Nice to meet you! I'm Evan! What's your name big guy?" he asked ruffling Hunters hair a little.

Hunter got shy and buried him head in my chest.

We both laughed.

"This is Hunter. He's just a little shy." I examined to Evan.

"Oh that's alright, I was to when I was his age." Evan reassured.

"Come on Hunter, don't be shy! This is an old friend of mommies. He's nice...sometimes." I smirked.

"Kaitlin." I turned to see Hannah, arms crossed. Not pleased.

"Oh, ummm. Evan, would you mind, umm. Watching him for a moment. Please." I begged.

"Oh uh-" he started

"Great thanks." I said putting Hunter down.

"Why don't you show Evan your toys! I'm gonna talk to Aunt Hannah for a bit. Be good." I told Hunter.

He nodded and ran to his play room. Evan followed.

"What the hell Kaitlin!? First you can't stand him and now your inviting him over? Make up your mind!" She whispered, but not the nice whisper.

"I know! Ok! But he cornered me today asking me questions and then he kissed me and-" I started to explain.

"You guys kissed?! Kaitlin! do you not remember what he put you through?" she questioned.

"I remember! It's not like I wanted him to! But he is Hunters father." I defended.

"No! He's a no good spineless baste red that chose a career over you!" she reminded.

"But maybe if he had known about Hunter-"

"Oh god! No, he wouldn't change! He's a guy! If anything he would have left faster!" she jumped.

She's right. He probably would have. I don't know why I'm defending him. He hurt me the worst.

"Ok look, I'm not getting involved with him! He just asked to see Hunter. I couldn't say no!" I told her.

"Yeah you could! His name isn't on the birth certificate! He has no rights to him!" she pointed out.

"Ok, you're right. But what am I supposed to do?" I asked.

"I'll get rid of him!" she suggested.

Just then Hunter can running in smiling and giggling.

"Mommy! I like your new friend! He's cool! And he likes all the stuff I like!" Hunter stated.

I bent down to meet his eye level.

"I think he really likes you too mommy!" he whispered.

"Oh really? And how do you know?" I asked.

"He said so!" Hunter told me.

Really? No.. stop! You don't like him!

"Hey Hunter why'd you run off?" Evan said entering the room.

I stood up. "It's fine, don't worry about it." I reassured him.

"Well I should be going." Evan suggested.

"Oh, I'll walk you out." I said.


We stood out side of the door.

"Wow, it's like looking into a mirror in the past. It's weird." he said.

"Oh so you do believe me?" I questioned.

"Of course! You are many things Kaitlin but a liar, and a slut are not one of them." he stated.

"I'm gonna take that as a compliment. But what am I exactly?" I challenged.

"Well, for starters, you're beautiful, smart, determined. And incredibly sexy." he winked.

"Really now?" I questioned.

"Very!" and with that, his hands were on my cheeks and his mouth on mine, hungry and gentle at the same time.

My knees felt like they were going to give out. Ugh! What this boy does to me!!!

We pulled away, breathless.

"Goodnight." he gasped.

"Night." I said. Still smiling like an idiot.

He flashed me a smile and a chuckled. Getting into his car I watched him drive away.

There was no denying it now.

I was screwed.

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