Chapter 9

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Later that evening Hunter was so tired he barely got through bath time. I tucked him in and went to get ready for bed myself.

I peeked I to Hannah's room and noticed she wasn't there. That's odd.

I pulled out my phone.

Me- Hannah? Where are you? You working late again? Don't forget about Disney land tomorrow.

I put my phone on charge and went to take a shower.

Once I finished I put on some comfy PJ pants and a loose top, climbed into bed and put on pandora comedy.

I can't go to sleep without noise, it's been that way since I was little.

Still no text from Hannah. I hope she's ok. She's been taking some night classes and working a lot lately. Maybe I should let her sleep in tomorrow.

My phone buzzed.

Evan- Night :)

I laughed and rolled my eyes, placing the phone back down I rolled over and went to sleep.


My alarm went off at 8:00 am and I hopped out of bed to get Hunter up and ready.

"Hey baby! It morning, you ready to go to Disney land?!" I asked.

His ruffled head of hair shot up.

"Yay! Let's go!" he shouted.

"Well not yet silly! We gotta get you dressed. And mommies gotta get dressed to." I told him.

"Ok, but hurry cause I wanna get there and play!" He rushed.

I laughed and went to grab him some clothes.

Once he was ready I went to my bedroom to get ready.

Just jeans and a teeshirt.

"Ok, mommys ready! Let's go!" I shouted.

He ran out toward the living room. I grabbed my purse and loaded him into his booster seat.

He's pretty tall so soon enough he won't need one.

I checked my phone and I had a text from Hannah.

Hannah- Hey yeah sorry I worked late tonight. I'll meet you guys! text you when I'm on my way.

Ok, well that solved that mystery.


We were there for about an hour before Hannah showed up.

"Hey guys sorry I'm late!" she apologized.

"No problem, how'd you get here?" I asked. We only have one car.

"Ummm, a friend drove me." she said.

"You have friends outside of me!" I gasped.

"Haha! Shocking I know! But yes." she replied.

"So who is this friend?" I asked.

"He's just a friend." she said plainly.

A pair of hands went over my eyes.

"Guess who!?" A deep voice asked. I took a deep breath and knew immediately who it was.

"Evan." I said.

"How'd you know!?" he asked baffled.

"I'm just that good." I said.

He took his hands off, and I turned to face him.

"So how'd you know I was here?" I asked.

"Guilty!" Hannah spoke up.

I looked at her in disbelief.

"Yeah, he was my ride." She said.

"Wow, that's unexpected." I said.

"Yeah I know....we got to talking last night and I kinda sorta don't hate him as much." she admitted.

"Now that's really unexpected." I said.

We all talked for a bit until Hunter spoke up.

"Mommy!! Come on! I wanna go play somemore!" he whined.

We walked around and I rode some rides with Hunter. He was really enjoying himself.

"Hey Kaitlin why don't you and wan ride a few rides." Hannah suggested.

"Oh no that's fine." I said.

"It's ok mommy! I wanna go eat anyway." Hunter piped in.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Ok, but only a few, we will meet you guys in as soon as we can." I told him.

He took Hannah's hand and they walked toward the food pavilion.

"So, you ready for the big boy rides?" Evan teased.

"The question is, are you!?" I challenged.

He grabbed my hand and we ran off toward a giant roller coaster.


We were on our way up the first hill, the clicking in my ears making me freak out.

I looked over at Evan and he seemed calm. Bastard....

We finally made it toward the top, I held my breath and closed my eyes.

Evan grabbed my hand.

As we shot down, and I screamed. I heard Evan screaming to my right.

I looked over at him and laughed. His eyes were wide and he was screaming.

Once the ride was over we stumbled off and began laughing.

"That was hilarious! Oh wow! You looked so funny!" I laughed.

"Haha! Yeah well you're the one who was screaming all the way through." He said.

"Come on let's find Hannah and Hunter and get something to eat." I suggested.

We held hands and walked toward the food pavilion. We spotted them and say down.

"So, how was it?" Hannah asked.

"Fun, ya know, almost dying and all." I said.

"Haha! Well good."

"Mommy I'm tired, my feet hurt." Hunter complained.

"Do you want to go home?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Do you want me to carry you to the car?" I asked.

He nodded.

"I got him." Evan volunteered.

"You sure" I asked.

He nodded an picked up an almost sleeping Hunter.

Hunter slumped onto Evan as we all made our way back to the car.

We loaded everyone in. And Evan was just about to leave.

"Hey wait!" I shouted.

He turned.

"I had fun today." I said.

"Me too." he replied.

It fell silent as we just stared at each other.

He leaned In and kissed me, I smiled into it as he pulled away.

"Bye, I'll see you at work. Don't forget about Friday." he reminded as he walked to his car.

I got into the car and drove home, looking into the rear view mirror to see a sleeping Hunter, slightly smiling.

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