"You know that was not your fault," Suzanna cut him off before he could tear himself up any further. "You cannot blame yourself for that."

Samuel's eyes were tortured. "But I do. I should have been there for you. I should have-"

"Samuel! Enough! You'll torment yourself trying to change the past. All we can do is prepare for the future so we don't repeat the past," Suzanna said gently. Samuel knew what she was implying.

"Wilson will know if I go back to the inn, and that will put you in danger. Not to mention, if he could so easily find out about me, how much easier will it be for him to have you watched? He will recognize you, too."

"But he will not be looking for me in a place like the inn," Suzanna answered.

"You do not know that."

"It is a chance we have to take."

"Perhaps I may be of assistance," a new voice stated. Samuel and Suzanna jumped, startled, and turned around to see William.

"William. How long have you been standing there?" Samuel asked gruffly.

"Long enough to know there is nothing about the Duke worth respecting," William answered with a dark look in his eyes. Suzanna felt frozen. No one else was supposed to know what was happening. She had just placed another person in danger.

"William, everything you heard stays strictly between us. We cannot risk having more people know," Samuel said firmly.

"Of course. You need not worry about me speaking to others. Although I am glad to have my suspicions confirmed."

"Suspicions?" Suzanna echoed.

"Your pardon, my lady, but I did not trust the Duke - not from the moment he stepped foot out of his carriage," William told her.

"I wish my senses were as discerning as yours," Suzanna replied with a wry smile. "And you think you can help me, William?"

Before he could reply, Samuel was speaking again. "What exactly do you know?"

"I caught the gist of it. Duke's been up to no good, you want to follow a lead down in town and find out more about what he is planning. It is a good idea."

Suzanna smirked victoriously at Samuel who sighed in response.

"It is too dangerous. I cannot go with her, neither can she go alone," Samuel responded.

"I will go with her," William stated, staring at them as if it should have been obvious. "I would be able to defend her easily, you know that."

But already Samuel was shaking his head again. "If only it were that simple. Two new strangers suddenly appearing at the inn will put everyone on guard. It is too suspicious."

"Samuel, please," Suzanna begged. She placed her hand on his shoulder and stared at him. Samuel looked at her intensely; she could see a world of emotions and thoughts in his eyes. "We have to at least try."

"I thought you would be going with or without my approval," Samuel murmured to her humourlessly.

"You know that is not what I want to do."

"I have an idea," William said suddenly. "Bain."

Suzanna opened her mouth to inquire for more information, but one glance at Samuel had her completely silent. He looked like he was truly considering William's suggestion.

"We do not know if he can be trusted," Samuel muttered, mostly, it seemed, to himself.

"He is our best option," William pointed out. "He can get us into the inn without raising suspicion. For the right price, I'd say there would not be much he would not be willing to do."

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