{ 26 } Crappy Cadet

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" you can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel  "

"  you can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel  "

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Emergency Aid Depot #23

That's what the wall says as the three of us step off the cobweb filled stairs, Clarke handing Bellamy a light as I join the two. The number twenty three makes me question if there were any more depots, but a girl can only dream.

I scan the room, that looks like it hasn't been touched in years, my jaw dropping at the sight. Bellamy looks down to his left at me, "This hasn't been touched since the war?" He says it as a question, and I blink away the dust, meeting his hazelnut eyes. Apparently, ever since I had defended him against Jaha, our 'fight' was forgotten.

"You'd better hope so," I mumble, glancing away with a small smile as I step forward into the darkness, swatting away the cobwebs while stepping down the flight of stairs.

We get a few landings down the stairs, but I halt to a stop at the sight of bones. I glance over my shoulder at Clarke, who's light shines on a skeleton, the clothes even decayed so much that they're barely there.

"Hell of a place to die," Bellamy comments, and a soft scoff follows, a grimace appearing in my face. Die trapped underground, or die up in space a handful of years later seemed to be their only option at the time.

We reach the bottom, my shoes scuffing against the dust covered floor. Clarke's light shines on the web infested shelves, and the decaying material that makes my nose scrunch in disgust. The shelves are lined with dust, everything left uncovered and useless throughout the long hallways.

     "So much for living here, this place is disgusting, damn it!" Clarke voices my thoughts, and I bob my head along to what she's saying, scanning the room. Everything here seemed broken or dead, the dimly lit room depressing.

Bellamy stops beside me. "Anything down here is ruined," He remarks, a slight edge to his voice. I clench my teeth together, in now way ready to know we wasted a day looking for nothing.

I walk ahead of the two, past water dripping through cracks in the ceiling. My foot slips slightly against the wet concrete, but I'm quick to steady myself.

I reach barrels, most of them empty. "I think they distributed most of it before the bombs went off," I decide, knowing they wouldn't have been empty this whole time.

I don't allow myself to feel dread yet, knowing the long and dark hallway had much more it may hold. I peek over another barrel, finding nothing. "All I'm asking for is something," I mutter, my stomach coiling with doubt.

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