{ 17 } Recurring Patterns

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    "They have to be around here somewhere, the tracks led us here." I argue, Finn loosing hope. I glance at the boy, who shakes his head ever so slightly.

There's no way in hell I was turning around to leave, we cannot leave Octavia. That's just not happening.

"I'm not going back," Bellamy agrees, and I angle myself to get a look at his face, and I glance down at his hands, shaking by his side. His whole being was tense with fear for his sister.

"We should backtrack, find them again and go from there." Finn sighs, looking between Bellamy and I. Who even knows if we would find the tracks agin?

Bellamy puffs up from beside me, visibly unsure of what to do.

"Hey, where's John?" Roma asks, gaining out attention. I scan the small group, my eyes jumping from person to person. I look over my shoulder, finding nothing but trees.

Trees. That's what the grounders use. I stare up at them cautiously, drawing the makeshift spear out and clutching it tightly in my hand.

I swallow the lump in my throat, hoping that he wandered off and my assumption was wrong.

"I just saw him a second ago." Jasper informs us, his voice raising an octave as I near him, chewing on the inside of my cheek.

"Span out, he can't have gotten far." I raise my voice slightly, not allowing it to waver as I step over a dead log, climbing over tree roots.

Everyone goes silent as barely three minutes pass. I feel a strange sensation on my face, like a drop of rain landing on my cheek. I lift my hand up, slowly bringing it to my cheek.

As I examine my hand, it's not a drop of water that fell from the trees. It's sticky blood, more droplets falling down.

I turn my attention upwards to the trees, but a figure blocks my way as it falls down, crashing to the ground with a thud. I squeeze my eyes shut, not wanting to look.

I slowly open my eyes, the others joining me. My breath catches in my throat as I realize my assumption was right. We're not alone here, and they were out to kill. John's motionless body lies on the ground, blood spilling from the cut on his neck, eyes glassy and empty.

Finn reaches out for me, his hand taking mine in its own. He knows that I don't take death very well, Finn using it to pull me towards him. He gives it a squeeze, probably hoping to distract me from yet another body.

I drop his hand, knowing I don't need his help. I've seen too much death already, and I can't avoid it. He scans my face to check for any signs of weakness, and I know he finds none. My eyes harden, my gaze set on the body before me. I know it sounds horrible and wrong, but- I barely knew John and that made it hurt a little less. Yet, not enough to make it okay.

"They use the trees, so if you run- try to run jaggedly." I state, my voice low, but loud enough so the group around me can hear. I can already predict that we need to run, save ourselves in order to save Octavia.

"Now can we go back?" Roma asks, and I glare in her direction. Either way, they will pick us off one by one and the grounders most likely know we would head straight back to camp.

Jasper's weapon points to his right, my eyes trailing over to what he meant, landing on a huge figure that can only be one belonging to a grounder. "Right there." Jasper whispers, and everyone turns fidgety, unaware of what to do.

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