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Okay, what the heck. You were just watching a show about this cute little maknae, and now he's here. Why though?

You were standing in the ramen isle completely shocked, admiring his cute face, and you didn't even realize he noticed you.

He looked at you confused, and then finally spoke up.

"Um, can I help you?"

"Oh! U-um, sorry, I-I just-"

"Realized that I'm Yugyeom from GOT7? Yeah, just keep it down please."

Your face turned a bright shade of pink as you turned around to walk away, but then you hear,

"Ah! Wait, nonono! That was rude of me, I'm so so sorry!"

You turned back around to see Yugyeom looking at you with a nervous look on his face.

"Look, I'm just a little bit frustrated right now, please don't be mad!"

When you see how scared little Yugyeom must be, you just smile and say,

"Ah, no, it's okay, I understand, you must be busy!"

Yugyeom's nervous look began to fade away.

"Really?! Ah, good!" he said happily, "By the way, what's the name of this cute fan of mine?"

Your face turned pink once again as you began to speak,

"O-oh, i-it's y/n!"

"Well y/n, I think a fan like you deserves an autograph."

He took out a pen and piece of paper as if he expected something like this to happen. Lmao confident much?

As he began to write something, you simply smirked and said,

"No thanks."

"What?! Then what do you want?"


Yugyeom's face began to look nervous again and he shuffled his feet a bit.

"N-no way, you must want something, c'mon y/n!"

"Fine, I have a question."

"Really? Okay! Go ahead, anything!"

"K, what are you doing out in public by yourself?"

"Really, that's it? Well, okay. If you must know, we ran out of ramen back at the dorm and the hyungs made me come here to get more."

"Wow, okay thanks, c'ya!"

You quickly grabbed like 12 packs of oriental ramen and rushed to the check out.

You expected to get some sort of reaction from Yugyeom for your sudden takeoff, and felt kind of upset when he didn't try to stop you.

That is until you noticed a piece of paper stuck to one of the packs of ramen.

'Lmao, this kid!' you thought to yourself.

After you bought your ramen, you took the note and began to read it.

"Hi y/n! I really liked talking to you today! I hope we can meet up again sometime!

Text me! (098) 765 4321

A big smile made it's way across your face, but soon faded when you looked down at your phone,

Jisung: Hey, I saw that you were having a fun time flirting, so I got some cereal and left.

Ugh. Wow Jisung. Thanks.

You walked toward the door and stepped out, pausing for a moment to put the note from Yugyeom in your pocket.

You began to walk away from the store to go home, but someone grabbed your arm, pulling you to the side of the store......

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Wow, that was unEXpEctEd! Woop woop! I can't believe y/n got Yugyeom's number! I can't believe Jisung left y/n at the store! Snap diddly what's gonna happen next? Idek yet.

But then, yeah. On a serious note, Yugyeom has just slid into the story, and I might keep him, I might not. I probably will.

Sorry for not updating until now, I WENT TO A FLIPPING G-DRAGON CONCERT AND IT WAS SO FLIPPING FUN!! I'm so happy I got to go with -ixuungi-!! Anyways, that's why I couldn't update!

Also!! I'm sorry to say, I can't update again until at least Saturday :(

I have summer camp this week starting tomorrow.


Thanks so much for over 200 reads!! I really love it that people are actually reading this! And I know I'm gonna thank you guys every chapter, but I think the readers always need to be thanked because... Idek I don't have words. <3

Thanks again!! <3


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