Soon a comfortable silence falls on us as the cool breeze blows through the trees. I jump a bit as Liam speaks, "I'm gonna head home so you two can have some alone time."

I watch as he drives off, and Niall reads my mind, saying what I was thinking. "Did he just leave us here to walk home?"

We look at each other, then Burst out laughing like mad men. People walking by must think we are crazy. I stand up, and Niall follows after me. We link hands and walk down a gravel path.

"Louis kneel down." Niall stops me. I give him a question look as I laugh and say, "why?"

"Just do it please. Kneel Down!" he ushered me to kneel down, then got behind me. I laugh as he sits on my shoulders and told me to stand up again.

He takes my hat off of my head, and places it on his own so he can run his hands through my hair. I hold his legs and continue on the path.

Niall starts petting my head and I laugh at how childish he is being.

"Tell me something Ni." I say as I keep walking.


"I don't know. Just something about yourself."

"Louis." I hear him laugh. "We've know eachother for years! You know basically everything about me!"

"Then tell me something no one knows. Something deep." I smile, even though I know he can't see me.

"Something deep. Oh yeah? Like what?"

"Like... Your favorite Skittles flavor."

"Whoa ok. Now you've crossed a line there Lewis." Niall laughs as he pats my cheek.

"No but really. What is it?" He silent for a bit, as if he is thinking. "Green. I like the Green one. What about you?"

"I'm not sure." I reply truthfully. I never really though about what one was my favorite.

I see an ice cream truck, and I know Niall sees it too when he points towards it and shouts.

"To the ice cream!"

""ok." We both start laughing as people give us weird looks. We get to the truck, and order our ice cream.

I set Niall down as he skips off licking his ice cream while I pay.

"You make a lovely couple." an old lady says to me as I walk towards Niall. I blush and thank her.

"Don't let him go."

"I wouldn't dream of it." I smile at her before she walks away.

"Hey babe!" Niall tackles me from behind, I catch my balance before I can fall.

I turn around to face Niall. His ice cream is finished, and he has sugary melted substance all around his mouth, on his cheeks, and his nose.

I'm grateful I grabbed napkins as I pull them out of my pocket. I wipe of his cheeks and nose, then I kiss away the ice cream on his mouth, making hm blush a cute scarlet colour.

"You're adorable." I whisper as I cares his cheek. He blushes an even deeper shade of red at my comment, hiding his face in my shoulder.

I just grab his hand and we continue to walk. We start to walk past a massive tree, when Niall lets go of my hand and runs towards it. I follow Him and soon discovered, he is trying to climb it.

"Lou can you help me?" I nod and help him up the tree as I climb up behind/under him. A perfect view of him in front of me making me smirk.

We finally make it to a big enough branch, and Niall stops. "Lou you go first." I do as told, and I sit down on the branch resting my back against  the tree.

Niall pushes my legs apart, and sits in between them. He leans against my chest and hums in satisfaction. "Ni, Baby?" I ask him.


"What 'cha thinking about?" He giggles a little as he whispers, "Us."

Some time passes us, as we watch people walking around the park. Kids enjoying the nice day, then Niall breaks our silence.

"Louis, do you think we could have a future together?" He picks up my hand and start to play with my fingers.

"Yeah." I admit.

"good." I can basically hear the smile on his face as he whispers his reply. I hold Niall close, as we sit in silence basking in each others presence.

We must have been in that tree for hours, because the next thing I know, It's night time.

Niall and I carefully climb down, and link hands as we start on our walk home. I start to cough a bit, and Niall stops looking at me concerned.

"You ok?" He asks.

"Yes Niall. I'm fine." I laugh at how caring and cute he is.

"I'll make you some tea when we get home." He declare, pulling me along with him the rest of the way.

As soon as we get home, he heads to  the kitchen, and orders me to take a shower, and go to my room.

I walk towards the bathroom, and I see Liam. "You left us at the park you know."

he laughs and walks away saying, "I know."

I shower quickly, and head to my room. Almost as soon as I sit on my bed, Niall steps in with a cup of tea. I kiss him on the lips before he leaves mumbling, "I'll be back."

I hear the shower going off in the hallway, and a few minutes after it's off, Niall walks in my room, and joins me in my bed.

"Well hello there Mr.Tomlinson."

"Hi Mr. Horan. So, you're staying with me are you?" he shrugs. "might as well since Liam knows about us, and Harry is gone." I nod, and kiss his nose as he yawns. I coo as he resembles a little kitten when he yawns.

"Go to sleep babe." I whisper, running my hands through his hair. he closes his eyes, and rests his head on my chest. I pull him closer and wait till I feel his breathing slow down

When I know he is asleep, I close my eyes too. I know I'll sleep well tonight as I feel the heat radiate off of Niall. I have my boyfriend basically laying on me now, and I couldn't be happier.


Word Count:


Ok. I know thus chapter was crappy! I planted a few things here and there that will come up later/be a cute moment near the end.

I hope you enjoyed!

if you did please
and share this storie!

- Laylania xxx

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