Chapter 17

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Johns POV -Edited-

  Ugh, I honestly hate mornings. I mean, all of my mornings have sucked so far pretty much. Now, I was being forced to go back to school. I'm gonna be trampled with homework, and questions from people I don't even know.

  Oh, and Alexander is at school. Which will definitely suck a lot. Because, I must have hurt his feelings as much as he had hurt mine before. Maybe, I could just simply apologize and it will go away. Wait, apologizing never works. It sure didn't work for Alexander when he tried to apologize to me.

  I wore my favorite flannel, and rushed out of the house, hopping into Lafayette's car. Luckily, he put in a CD he had burned. It had songs from musicals, and stuff. My emo music, and some not emo music. It was a good way to get my mind off of what stupid things would happen at school today.

  I hopped out of Lafayette's car, ignoring everyone around me, and going strictly and quickly to my classroom. That's how the whole day went. Ignoring everyone, and avoiding Alexander and the other seniors at all costs.

  It was a shame, how I forgot to avoid Eliza along with Alexander. Because, obviously Eliza would be mad at me for 'taking' her man.

  "John," I waited for a crazy outburst from Eliza as she stood in front of me. "I'm not happy you took Alexander," She started calmly. "But now I'm with Hercules and that's awesome," She added. "The only bad thing is, that he got me pregnant." 

  "Hercules got you pregnant?" I asked. She laughed.

  "No, Alexander did," She smirked before walking away.

  I turned around, shocked, and my mouth dropped open as I watched Eliza walk away. I knew there was a catch.

  Maybe Alexander didn't know she was pregnant, but she was. So, even if I had been with Alexander, there would have been a baby in the way. Alexander is a good man, once he finds out, he will probably go back to helping Eliza with her baby, and ignoring me.

  "Eliza's pregnant?" I asked myself. "What the hell," I breathed out. I hate Alexander.

  "John, I'm so glad I found you." Speaking of the fucking devil.

  I turned and glared angrily at Alexander. "Did you know?" I asked angrily.

  He looked at me confused, with his eyebrows raised. "Know.. what, exactly?" He asked me.

  "That your gonna be a fucking father?" I said blantly. His eyes went wide, but he remained with a confused expression.

Roses Of Mist [Lams//Boyxboy] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now