To My Beautiful Readers

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At school, in the halls, at break, at lunch, even in my own form I see people with scars.

Sometimes these scars are physical. Sometimes they are mental. But they are scars.

" The scars start to fade and the urge to bring them back became stronger and stronger "

This. . .Self harm. It's horrific to think that a human being has been battered and brusied so much they resort to it.

Mostly from bullying. That girl? Yeah, that boy too? The one that told you you're ugly and don't deserve to be on this planet? Ignore them. The scars you have will show them that they have won, and we can't have that. They're disgusting people.

Recently a girl from my school posted a video showing every single scar from self harm she has. It was just monstrous to watch. She had SO MANY. I see this girl every day. I look at her and forgot about her, but the video made me remember. And the voice over. . .The voice over. I didnt hear it but my friend did. She would never forget it.

You! You right there! Reading this! If you said something to someone, whether you meant it as a joke or for real - they act as if it's no big deal but it slowly crushes them inside. They try to forget, it seemingly works, but it always comes back at their worst moments, when they just want to end it all. Be careful. Be mindful of other people's feelings, put yourself in their shoes. Imagine if that was you. 

Because self harm is disgusting, and the circumstances are disgusting, but the people doing it are beautiful and we have repressed that beauty and corrupted them.

I don't self harm. But that girl in my school? She's one of many. Please, stop self harm. If you know someone who does, talk to them. Don't come out all accusing, but be gentle. Consider your way of approach and their personality too. . .You might do or say something that would make it worse. 

Put down that razor. And stop self harm.

Fairy Tail Preferences and Imagines (Boys)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon