Lets Talk About Spiders, My Friends

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OK. My friend sent me a gif, which I have not seen, but there was clearly a blurry spider on a living room wall on the thumbnail (do you call it that?)

Anyways, this was my legitimate response:


I have not seen the gif because it has not loaded. But judging by the blurry dark spider-like shape on the wall, I can only guess what you are attempting to do.

One, it really is not funny. Two, are you five years old?
Three, my five year old self is crying with laughter right now.
Four, if a huge spider really was on the wall of your living room you would either a) move house or b) set fire to your living room.


Do not make fun of arachnophobic people, even if a potential roommate goes up to you and says "So, can you catch a spider?" Though, if they can't at least you have something to scream about together.

It's not exactly helpful that articles on arachnophobia are accompanied by huge pictures of spiders. Really not helpful. Yes, I know I have arachnophobia, that's why I clicked on this website. No, you did not need to test if I really did. My mum thought I was being murdered in the middle of the night.

To conclude: do NOT send me gifs of spiders, do NOT send me pictures of spiders (yes Sophie I'm looking at you in the back row) do NOT send me videos of spiders and do NOT make me catch a spider.

Also, burn in hell.


M. (And every other arachnophobic person.)

I changed the names for obvious reasons. But really, all you arachnophobic people out there? You know exactly what I'm talking about.

And if you non-arachnophobes goddamn say that they are as scared of you as you are of them, I will bloody murder you and throw your carcass to the Vulcans (this is a Fairy Tail book after all). Have you ever seen a spider jump on a chair, sobbing and throwing books at you?

Nope. No you haven't.

So don't give me that crap.



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