"Snow Flurries & City Lights"

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It was snowing

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It was snowing.

A soft sprinkling of feathery white powder- nature's sugar from the sky was blanketing the streets, and the rest of the cityscape this glorious evening. It didn't matter if it was a sudden, unprecedented accumulation. Everything that night made it all so breathtakingly idyllic and picturesque...

The traffic noise. The frozen rain. The faintly whistling wind. And the lateness of the hour.

She was walking down the city streets in the snow late one evening -- this was sometime during the middle of the second season of 'Smallville' -- and there was a chill in the air that's both tingling and heartwarming. ...It was almost cathartic.

The cold night air left nothing to the senses, save only for an overwhelming sensation of marveled awe at Winter's poetic beauty.

At 44° outside, it was the peak of the season, and the snow wasn't letting up anytime soon. The arctic weather was at its most forbidding, numbingly freezing almost, and perhaps surpassed only by the indifference of the wintry windchill whispering and blowing every now and again.

Kristin was just on her way back to the Waldorf Astoria, after having dinner with an aunt of hers who happened to live in Syracuse. Kris' aunt drove all the way to the city to meet her at a restaurant on 5th and Broadway.

The cast of 'Smallville' was then promoting their show in New York, and they're staying there for a few days, before resuming to film in Vancouver.

But since it's Saturday night, and it's their last weekend here, everyone went off on individual trips. Allison would've gone with Kris, and Kris invited her to join them, but Allie said she didn't want to intrude, since Kris and her aunt would have a lot of catching up to do. So Allie went with Sam and Michael to...explore the Big Apple. Mike proposed they go to Times Square. Annette, and both John Schneider and John Glover decided to just stay in the hotel. Tom, since he's in New York anyway, said he'd go visit his folks in Albany.

Or so he claimed, and made them believe.

Out on the streets, as she was hiking her way back to the Waldorf, Kris felt somebody following her. Stalking her, it seemed like.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2018 ⏰

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