6) deep in thought.

Start from the beginning

Thank god your physical condition didn't affect your plants too much, if not the shrub wouldn't have been able to sprout through the hard concrete.

"Help me mush this into powder," you handed the leaves over to Midoriya. He looked at you puzzled, but did so anyway. He poured the powder into your mouth where you chewed and swallowed the leaf, ignoring the iron smell of the blood in your mouth. Warmth spread through your gut as you felt the pain subside.

"Natural painkillers."

You reached into your pocket once more to pull out a seed. You could roughly guess it was the seed of a fruit, but couldn't tell which fruit through your faded vision. You forcefully shoved it into a crack of the floor and watched as it took root, crawling alongside the wall you were resting on, before stopping and beginning to bloom.

"I hope you like grapes, Midoriya," you smiled and tossed a few pale purple ones towards him. No use staying mad at him, you were here on his terms.

Midoriya looked at it suspiciously, but shrugged and popped it into his mouth. The two of you sat in silence chewing on the sweet fruit, Midoriya occassionally stealing glances at your face as his mouth moved.

(Name), that's you.

He liked the tinge of confidence you carried around, nothing too extravagant but not too little either. The way you rolled the grapes around your fingers made you look deep in thought, and when you weren't talking, you always sweeped your eyes around the room like analysing the environment.

Both of your attention were caught by the clicking of the roof door as it swung open.

"Oh, so you guys were up here. I was wondering what you were all up to," a cool voice sounded out. A boy with a scarred left eye exited through the roof door.

"Todoroki! What're you doing here?" Midoriya smiled. Todoroki shrugged and strolled towards the edge of the building, leaning against the railing.

"I always come here when there's something on my mind." Todoroki looked out at the scenery, listening in on the quiet streets below. He raised up ice and watched the smoke curl around the air. You watched in fascination as the smoke seemingly crawled towards you, beckoning you to touch the white ice.

Suddenly, a thought hit you. The name sounded incredibly familiar.... Todoroki... like...

Midoriya poked your hand and spoke up. "Anyway, you want a grape? (Name) sprouted some and-"

"TODOROKI? AS IN THE ONE WHO TOOK MY SPOT?" You yelled, lifting a finger to point at him.

Todoroki let out a loud sigh and looked up. "Yell it louder, why don't you." he rolled his eyes.

"But, but! Huh? Wait but aren't you... what? Uhm!" You spat out, scrambling to your feet.

"Yes. Sit down, you look like a skittering bug." You plopped back onto the ground, wincing as you felt the pain in your stomach again. The shock from that moment had cleared your headache immediately. You were made to give up your spit for a friggin' villain? Why did he even come here?

"If i'm a hero, why am I here? That's your question, right?" He dropped his arms. You swallowed and nodded, knowing that it was probably written all over your face.

"No particular reason," Todoroki took out some tools from the drawstring bag hanging from his right shoulder. He pulled out a chisel and a hammer, and dropped the bag to the side.

"Fuck heroes. If they consider my father the number 1 hero after all he's done, then heroes don't deserve their title." Todoroki, who was prepared to chisel his ice, slammed the hammer in a little too hard and snapped the sculpture into half. The ice begin to slide down and Todoroki grabbed onto it with his left hand, flames erupting from it and engulfing the entire structure. The ice fell to the ground as steaming water.

"W-what did... what did your father.. do?" You stammered out, the pain in your gut long forgotten. If you thought your quirk was powerful, Todoroki was here to humble you. It was surprising that you even bested himbin recommendations- even though Endeavour forced him in anyway. Midoriya's hand found its way towards yours and squeezed it. You squeezed back.

"Have you ever heard of quirk marriages?" Todoroki paused, but not long enough for you to answer.

"He killed my mom. He bullied and tortured her until she gave birth to the perfect hybrid- me. After countless beatings, she finally lost it and dumped boiling hot water all over my left side. It was ugly, it reminded her of horrible things, it reminded her of my father.

"After that, Endeavour was infuriated at her. How dare she ruin a perfect.. experiment? I don't know what he did to her, but it was enough to send her into the ground. Guess who was the one that had to find her fucking body hanging from the ceiling? Me." His voice cracked, and he put his hand to his forehead and leaned against the ice. You felt a stab in yout heart. Should you say something? Anything? Midoriya's hand lifted to rest on your arm, as if telling you to remain quiet. Todoroki let out a breath.

"Everybody just called it an unfortunate accident. That... that my mother was just unstable. They never suspected him, they never knew what he did. No one dared question the best hero in the world, no one..." He pressed his forehead against the ice. For a while, everything was deathly quiet, the atmosphere was a mixture of awkwardness and sympathy.

Todoroki punched the remaining ice and watched it fall to the ground into shards. He lifted his hand and melted everything into a puddle of water.

"I came out here because of something else, but getting that off my chest was good enough. I'm going to make sure everyone knows what my old man did, I hate and despise the fact that half of me came from him."

He stepped into the puddle, kicking the water away form his feet.

"I'm going to kill him with his very own power." He walked back to the door and slammed it shut behind him. You blew out the air that you didn't dare to breathe out eariler.

"Don't worry, Todoroki has the most tragic backstory out of everyone here... I think," Midoriya spoke up.

"Who else?"


"Who else has suffered this much? All because of the heroes?" You clenched your hands into fists. You thought you were the only one. You thought deserting the hero ideal that society carved for those with talented quirks was a horrible thing to do so. You didn't know that there were others out there who shared it with you.

"Almost... almost every kid here. Bakugou, with a short fuse, never had anyone to look up to once All Might vanished. If i'm not wrong, heroes always told him he was more like a villain from young because of his attituds, so I think it was implanted into his mind. That drove him towards us.

Shinsou was constantly mocked and put down because of his brainwashing, how it was a villain-like quirk, especially by heroes. Monoma's here because... I don't know. I guess All for One was his idol or something.

Tamaki was laughed at despite his powerful quirk and put down because of his introvertedness, kind of like you.

Tomura, Kurogiri, The Broker, Dabi, Toga, Twice, Overhaul and a bunch more were all here before me or around my time when I was around. When I joined in, the Broker began scouting out Yuuei students with broken hearts. Those were the ones with more raw power than usual people you picked off the street. They were the ones who didn't want to become heroes anymore, according to him." Midoriya stood up and pulled you along.

"Let's go for another drink back in the bar, shall we?"

You nodded, tightening your grip on his hand. A conflicting emotion flickered in your heart, but the words just got lodged in your mouth. You closed your lips. Maybe you shouldn't ask.

After all, he must have a reason as to why he never talked about himself.

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