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I feel much better than I did two hours ago. My finger is all wrapped up and it doesn't hurt as much. I'm glad that Hobi hyung stayed with me through it all.

Let me tell you, knowing that your own finger isn't proportional and in a weird shape is one of the worst feelings ever.

I thought I would become disabled.

Do you know how sad life would be without my pinky?? Hands aren't very appealing without pinkies or thumbs.

Wait, if I didn't have a pinky..

I could just transform my hand into a giraffe. I would just need a sharpie marker to draw on the eyes and mouth

That just made me think of something.

What sound does a giraffe  make? Eek? I guess I'll have to google it later. I have nothing better to do anyway.

Oh, I almost forgot.

That previous message that hyung left was so sweet yet funny. I couldn't take it seriously though. He said I could turn into a tiger alien if I fell too hard!


I'd rather be a horse tiger but as I've said many times before, he's not really a funny guy. He can make you laugh but not exactly through jokes or sarcasm. It's just by being his handsome and weird self.

I love that about him.


His presence itself is a blessing.

I wonder if he enjoys my company as much as I enjoy his. That would be great if he did.

I really love him.

Oh gosh I sound like like a schoolgirl with a crush.


If you happen to find this voice recorder:

Don't tell Hobi.

V's entry...


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