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"Stupid. Stupid hyungs, stupid talk, stupid everything. That was pointless. Everything got worse. Everyone except for Kookie and Jimin are upset with me. They all hate me now.

Hoseok won't make eye contact with me, Yoongi keeps giving me death stares, Namjoon stayed silent, and Jin kept on scolding me.

He made me apologize.

Does no one care about how I feel?

I'm the one who's really hurt. I understand that Hoseok likes Jimin and all but at least Jimin doesn't completely ignore him. He's somewhat affectionate to him.

When Hoseok hugged me earlier, he did it out of pity. He doesn't like me. He probably doesn't even care about me. Who would? I'm not smart, I'm not cool, and I'm definitely not good looking.

Well maybe I am a little good looking. And smart. And cool.

Or very good looking, and smart, and cool.

But I'm not as great as Jimin.

In all honesty, who is?

Anyways, I can't believe that Namjoon and Jin finally confessed to one another. Everyone knew that they liked each other but just never mentioned it. What was the point?"

"Tae, I'm sorry"

"Why are you here again? Why don't you just go away?!"

"Because I have to tell you something"

"What is it?"

"Um...I lied when I said that I liked Jimin. I actually don't like him. I have feelings for someone else"

"Who? Yoongi hyung?"

"No. I can't tell you"

"Then why are you here? If you're trying to make me more upset just stop. Don't talk to me, don't touch me, don't even look at me. Just leave me alone altogether. I don't want anything to do with you"

"*sniffle* Okay. If you want me to stop bothering you, I will"

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