Chapter 3 continued!

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"AUBURN!!!!!!" I hear a masculine voice yelling from the dingy beach. I duck my head lower into the water at the sight of Levi. How did he find me?

"AUB! I SAW YOU, JUST COME OUT OF THE WATER." He yells. no... i cant... i whisper to myself.

"Fine. I guess i'll just wait here for you then!" He shouts, sitting on a small cliff near by. I swim under water to it and sit right under it. Listening to him sing to himself.

"You have a beautiful voice." I murmer to myself, gasping immediatly and hoping he hadn't heard me.

"What? Was that you Auburn?" He says quickly," I know you're out there somewhere Aub." I cling to the cliff face as a big scary looking black metal thing passes by in the water a ways away. I know Levi noticed movement below him when he resituates himself to safely look over the edge, I quickly dive under water. He stood up and i came out the water and swam along the bank while he walked along the edge. He squated right at the edge of a lower bank, his face quite close to the water. I don't even know what im doing anymore, it's like my body is on auto-pilot. I let my face breach the water's surface right below him, he lowered his head and we were inches away from each other. His blue eyes were full of awe and wonder as i put my wet, blue tinted hands on his cheeks and kissed him. And then i withdrew, keeping my eyes on his until i was deep under the water. When i realized what i did i gasped and swam back as fast as i could. I kissed him. I kissed Levi. As a mermaid. I kissed Levi in my mermaid form. Did he recognize me?


sorry its short, this is just an addition to the other short part of chapter 3 :) hope you like it! :D

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2012 ⏰

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