Chapter 9: To Challenge the Heavens

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Chapter 9: To challenge the heavens

The sudden wash of color in the sky was like an omen. The slight pinkish hues traced the outline of the ascending sun as it rose from the depths of endless blue sky. Himig plowed on toward the darkened tower in the distance. He felt an unmistakable pull in the pit of his stomach that the tower in the middle of the city would be his real destination. Briefly, he wondered if Sinag was all right. He wished the tall angel made it in one piece. He knew he should be grateful to Sinag; for all the sacrifices his friend made on his behalf.

The beauty of the sky did little to assuage Himig's fears. He knew Amutiel is tailing him and it won't be long 'til he catches up. He will never give up though. He promised himself that he would see Yumi before they take him back.

He spotted a familiar silver car speeding in the same direction as him. He swore softly when he realized why it was so familiar. It's the family car! But who the hell was behind the wheel? He knew his father would never drive at that speed.

His instincts suddenly screamed at him to duck just as a bolt of lightning from out of nowhere struck. Feathers scattered in his wake as the blast grazed his wing. He dove down and beat his wings faster to catch the speeding vehicle. He dropped down heavily on the roof of the car and held on for dear life as it wove faster in the highway.

"Kuya!" Amihan stuck her head out from the passenger side of the vehicle "What the hell is happening?!"

"Get your head back inside Ami!" he hollered back as he glanced behind him for his pursuer. He leaned to the driver's side and swore colorfully when he saw who was behind the wheel.

"Hi Himig!" Alab gave him an embarrassed grin. "Nice of you to drop by."

"What the hell were you two thinking?!" he asked behind gritted teeth.

"We're here to help you!" Amihan explained as she leaned over to Alab's side. "Sinag told us you're in trouble."

"Of all the idiotic things..." Himig trailed off as he glared balefully at Alab "If something happens to my sister, Alab I'll swear I'll track you down through the eight dimensions and bury you."

"Hey, we want to help!" Alab protested loudly as the car swerved dangerously.

"I'll let go. You two just go back, go as far away from here as possible." Himig said as he prepared to take off once more.

"Kuya you can't do this alone!" Amihan cried out as she stuck her head out of the window once again.

"You'll be in danger if I'm with you. Stay out of this Amihan, I mean it!" he shouted back as he let go of his hold and promptly ascended just as they reached the Elliptical road.

"What the hell?" Alab complained as they watched Himig fly off ahead. The park was still closed and barricades were in the entrance. "What do we do now? Its only four AM."

"Go through." Amihan answered as she held onto the side and dashboard.

"Are you fucking crazy?!" Alab scowled at her.

"GO THROUGH!" Amihan shouted as she floored the accelerator. The car lurched ahead and slammed against the concrete and steel barriers. Alab swore profusely as he raised his hands up to shield himself. The impact shattered the windshield and tore the bumper but Amihan pushed it through. Glass chips rained on the two of them but she paid it no mind as they barreled through the concrete pavement. She slammed on the brakes at the foot of the towering monument just in time before they hit the stairs.

"You're crazy!" Alab shouted at her. She ignored the boy and proceeded to unbuckle herself. She quickly got out of the car and bounded the stairs two at a time, Alab on her heels. The sudden crack of lightning above had them looking up just in time to see Himig lock swords with another angel that looked just like Sinag.

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