Chapter 5: A Life with a Purpose

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Chapter 5: A life with a purpose

"Goodnight Himig" Mayumi smiled lightly as she turned to leave "I'm sure everything will be sorted out in the morning" she proceeded to open the gate but Himig's hand stopped hers.

"I'm still not sure if I believe all this Yumi" he grimaced "Angels... it's just too... convenient."

"Have faith Himig" she smiled up at him, then took his hand in both of hers. "I know you'll be able to figure everything out like you always do."

"Hey bro!" they were interrupted by an overly enthusiastic voice as Amihan appeared with Alab in tow. Amihan's gaze automatically went to their clasped hands and she stepped back with a knowing smile.

"Oh, did we interrupt something?" oh the devil could smirk!

"Whoa, you're a fast one dude" Alab's face mirrored Amihan's grin "Didn't know you had it in you"

"Shut up" Himig snorted "And classes was over three hours ago. What are you doing hanging around with my little sister?"

"Hey!" Alab raised his hands in mock surrender "What's with the attitude? I had basketball practice man!"

His eyes narrowed dangerously "Practice ends at six, or have you forgotten I've been a member before as well?"

Alab's face flamed like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"Kuya!" (brother) Amihan hissed. "So he waited for me 'til the end of club activity. There's nothing wrong with that!" she pouted at him "You're just being mean."

"Really?" Himig smiled lightly. He clearly enjoyed making his sister and best friend squirm.

"Yeah, really." Amihan echoed him mockingly, clearly not liking the turn of their conversation. Himig really is an amazing manipulator.

"Well you better get inside then. Dinner's about to be served" he turned to Alab with a knowing look "And you, I bet your mom's already fuming. I don't envy the tongue lashing you'll get friend.

"Aww... c'mon Himig" he laughed "I live across your house, I could just tell my mom I've been here the whole time."

Himig could only shake his head as he stepped back to let his sister inside the gate. He turned to Yumi.

"See you tomorrow." He bent to kiss her cheek and he saw Alab snicker from the corner of his eye. Mayumi flushed and stepped away from the two of them. He gave Alab a meaningful look.

"Alright already!" the other boy grinned at him "I'm going". He turned and crossed the street with a jaunty wave.

"What a colorful bunch of friends you have" Sinag observed as he hovered behind Himig's shoulder.

"And what do you think you're doing floating around like this? Someone might see you." He observed dryly.

"Nope." The tall angel disagreed with a shake of his head "Ain't nobody seeing me without my permission. I'm invisible to them."

Himig grunted as he locked the gate and went inside.

"Really, you have no sense of humor at all." Sinag pouted "I can't believe I'm friends with someone as sour as you." Himig decided to ignore Sinag's banter, knew all too well that the crafty angel was just baiting him

"I'm having dinner with my family, I can't actually talk to you at the dinner table."

Sinag stuck his tongue out at him and floated away to sulk inside his room.

Himig could only shake his head. Some things never change.


Project Wings (Completed - Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora