Chapter 3: The Meeting

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Chapter 3: The Meeting

Angels don't just fall from the sky, do they? Yet even with that, one sat right across Himig at this very moment and looked with curiosity at its new surroundings. He still wasn't very sure if it really is an angel but it looks like one based on the descriptions from books.

Himig sat down at the edge of his bed and contemplated this strange turn of events. The angel-like creature sat down on the rug at the floor. 

Suddenly it stood up and stretched its vast wings all around the room, forming a somewhat pristine canopy above their heads. It dipped its head down to rest its forehead against his.

'Alright, I have no more time for games. He knows where you are Himig and he wont stop until you come back to Heaven' the words were spoken directly to his mind. He stared at Sinag for a long time unable to say anything.

Its voice. I know that voice! I heard it before, somewhere in my distant past... 

'Of course, silly, we've been bestfriends for so long that I am loathe that you've forgotten all about me.' Sinag made a low noise deep in his throat. ' Anyway, I think you have to be extra careful as Diwa has already located your whereabouts. I've broken the rules once again for you so this had better be worth it.'

Himig couldn't believe all that's happening. He had trouble organizing his thoughts for a suitable reply. 'Who's Diwa?' He heard an unmistakable groan of frustration come out of Sinag's mouth. 

'Diwa is my brother...and your greatest rival. He was sent to hunt you down and bring you back. I immediately left my post when I heard this to warn you. I'm so glad that they haven't found out about my involvement and how I slipped you away in the middle of the proceedings. You owe me big time, my friend.' Sinag sighed and moved away from him.

"What are you really, and what are you talking about? I don't understand any of this!" He gave a frustrated shout as he looked up at the angel's towering form. 

"Then I shall begin from the start" Sinag replied emphatically. Himig's jaw dropped as the tall stranger spoke in a language he can understand.

"Y-you can talk!" he said in surprise.

Sinag smiled "I picked up speech patterns in your mind," he said casually. He regarded him with his golden eyes once again. "Now shall I begin? We don't have much time as it is." 

He flopped back down on the carpet and placed a hand under his chin while his face took on a thoughtful expression. "Well, first of all you're not human".

This earned Sinag a complete frown from Himig. "You are, like me, an angel". He said gesturing to Himig then to himself. "However, you became a renegade and I decided to help you escape from heaven"

"Why? What did I do to become a renegade?" Himig found it best to just go along with this for the moment since he had no idea what to do. 

"I was getting to that so be patient, okay?" Sinag crossed his arms across his chest. "You were the best guardian up there that's why everybody is always all praises about you. However you became too attached to your charge and committed a grave crime because of her," Sinag's eyes became serious and all trace of playfulness left him. "You killed another human being for your charge."

"There was a trial and it was certain that you would be sent down the abyss for your crime but a lot of other angels disagreed with it because they believed that you could do no such thing without a grave purpose. Still, the law is the law and it says you should burn in the fires of hell for that". 

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