Chapter 6: The Law of Equivalent Exchange

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Chapter 6: The Law of equivalent exchange

"Again" Sinag sighed for the umpteenth time and Himig swore softly in frustration.

"Are you sure this is the right way to do this?" he frowned at the angel sitting on the ground across him. "There must be some other way because it's not working."

Sinag cocked his head to one side as he scratched his silvery hair. "If there was some other way, I don't know about it. Just try again Himig."

"Alright. But we have to get home after this."

The sky was fast darkening as the sun made its descent on the horizon. Lazy clouds tinged with pink and aquamarine shadowed the dying sun. The waning light cast long shadows between the two of them as they sat on the tall grass in the middle of the clearing behind the College of Science building. Their touching knees made a complete circle and Sinag's wings made a comforting canopy above their heads. To the naked eye, there was nothing in the middle of the clearing but a spot of strangely unmoving, flattened grass for Sinag's wings created an invisible barrier for them.

Himig closed his eyes and tried to concentrate once again. Sinag told him that the key to releasing his wings was to regain his memories. He said to concentrate on calling forth his past so that he could wield his sword once more before Diwa finds them. Just as Sinag taught, his mind conjured a solid wall, darker than night in front of him. He needed to shatter that wall and get inside himself.

'The path to true knowledge leads inwards'

If only it was really that easy.

He stretched forth his hand and felt resistance against the barrier. He threw himself bodily against the wall, trying with all his might to get through. At first glance, the wall looked to be made of inky smoke, swirling like a lazy mist yet when he tries to get inside, a solid resistance greets him, throwing him back just as powerfully as he tries to breach it.

He knew the truth lies inside there, just a shy little way beyond his grasp. Right behind that inky black wall were the answers to the questions that have plagued him ever since. His questions on existence would be over if only he could break the wall that had sealed his past.

Yet no matter how hard he threw himself against the barrier, he bounced back. With a frustrated growl he opened his eyes to find Sinag with a pained look in his face.

"We better go back" Sinag stood to brush the dried grass that clung to his clothes. He unfolded his wings, giving a couple of beats to ease the strain of holding it above them for too long. He was just as frustrated as Himig in their lack of progress.

"Why couldn't you just unlock it? You were the one who sealed my memories in the first place." Himig asked as he picked himself up and pulled the straps of his backpack in place.

"I told you it's not as easy as that. Only you can unlock the key to your mind. You are doing well, don't worry. You even managed to remember my name last time."

"Well, fat lot of good that does us. I can't even summon my sword." He snorted as Sinag rolled back his shoulders, letting his wings drag on the grass.

"You'll get it. You just have to find the key to your own heart." The angel nodded emphatically.

"The key to my heart... is there any explanation that is even remotely not abstract?" he ran a hand through his bangs to keep it out of his face.

"Stop complaining. You're making my ears bleed." Sinag gave him an exasperated look. "This is not easy for me too Ardifiel. You know I'm risking my neck for you and I'm not even sure if I can go back to heaven after this."

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