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My perspective on humans:

Everyone has their own difference. Their very own existence and significance to this world. They all have a part in this book called "life". Some may be small, but of course, it's significant. Without that person, the role wouldn't be taken, without that role, the world would be changed. Altered, and would no longer be the same. A small role is a big thing. Why? A role such as a scientist's and biologist's provide for useful scientific intel, a role such as a doctor provides for scientific cures and alternatives provided by the scientists and biologists, a role such as a soldier serves to protect their race and what they stand for.
A role such as a human being is part of it all. Being depressed or not, you're still a significant being. You'll never lose that meaning. Without you, a world like this wouldn't be the same. A small deduction deals a great change to things like time and space.
Some people are negative, of course. You can't say negativity isn't needed in life. Tell me, if you were ever optimistic about being eaten by a bear, would it help you? No. You at least have to fight back to protect yourself. And every fight has negativity whether it's seen or not. A fight itself is negative. But is, for the most part, needs in these situations.
Humans, a very specific race responsible for both advancement and downfall.
Advancement because of the continual production of technology and the use of discoveries and theories.
Downfall because some of those products that have caused our planet to slowly die because of its effects.
Humans are also beings with minds and feelings. Just like the other living things. They walk and stand on earth, need to be provided for and cared for until they reach a certain age.
My simple description of humanity today is simply a massive existence of cruel, judgmental, uncaring, and insensitive beings. Of course, not all of humanity would be this way, but for the good lord to see, it's a big total of our majority.
Kindness these days is extremely rare, so would gentlemen be. And so would loyal lovers.
Kindness would often be mistaken for flirting. Gentlemen are forced to be the stereotypical punk type. And loyal lovers are barely there since one cannot be contempt with what the other is giving.
Even relationships have changed, they have become more fragile over the years.
They become easier and easier to break, since now, nobody ever fights for love anymore. They just give it up as soon as a single insult is there.
Men and women began to fathom over money and sex instead of what's 'inside' like what they said.
They mistake the pleasure of that act for love and passion, when all it truly is is an act of lust. And so, there is an unexpected child born, and unplanned parenthood happened.
It's mostly of physical traits that they seek these days. No longer what the people before did seek for.
People have also started stereotyping, which would 'help you define who you are'. And if you don't meet the standards or not fit in, you'd be unaccepted and continually ignored. Outcasted. Isolated.
People have made things like love impossible for others with 'big' differences. They ridicule one or the other just to 'fix their standards'.
Things as small as tripping over a rock is as big as a controversial problem since social media started.
That specific media was invented for wireless connection and/or for informational purposes. Some may also be for sheer fun. But it was never for ridiculing, insulting, disgracing, shaming, or putting others down just because you think they aren't 'right' enough to be there.
That's really where some of the people's depressions start. From those unwanted and unneeded negative feedbacks.
Bullying, yes. Cyber bullying was also controversial. And so were the other forms of this ridiculing.
Of course, bullying is ridiculing, too. Since you're putting this person down because of who he is, for making a small mistake, or for being better than you. You try to put him down because you're afraid he might go higher up.
Instead of that, can't you please just be a mature person and help each other go up instead of trying to pull him down? It's better often the more beneficial act, you know. It's isn't easy for someone to be dragged all the way down after they've worked hard to achieve where they are.
Especially if you don't know where they came from or what they're going through. Putting them down will only make you look like a brute. You might be feared, you might be respected, but you aren't liked. They only pretend to because they don't want to become one of your victims.
Yes, you might have also gone through some really deep pain and sufferings, but will taking it out on a person who doesn't know of it cure you? Will it?
Don't you realize that you're inflicting this pain on someone who is unknowing of your suffering? Don't you realize that you're inflicting this pain on someone who is clueless about what you're going through?
No, of course not. But do you think you should do it? Yes, of course you think you should. Don't worry, karma is still waiting for your biggest strike to make the bigger backfire.
So once it strikes, don't blame the person who killed himself. Don't blame him. Because you know who's doing this is.

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