Losing You

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Somewhere in Bmore//Dee.

I ran as far away from the hotel as I could. I didn't know where I was. I didn't know how far I was from the hotel. I didn't care tho. I didn't want to be found. I couldn't believe this. This wasn't happening.

Alyssa😜- where r u

Nova😍❤- baby please come back. I'm worried.

Bestfriend👽💯- c'mon Dee. Where'd you go ?

Big bro💕✊- Dee call me
Big bro💕✊- Im scared , where are u

7 missed calls, 6 new voicemails, 16 new messages.

I turned my phone off. Can't they understand? I ran away for a reason. I know I probably shouldn't have done it but it was in the moment. I needed time to clear my head anyway. Think about the situation.

What was I gonna do if my friends found me? What would I say to the tour crew? How was I gonna respond to Nia's act? I sighed and sat down with my back against some dirty old wall.

By now my brother and whoever was with him had been looking for hours. I didn't want to be found. It was dark. I went further into the warehouse I was in so no stranger could see me.

It was an old brown warehouse. No one had been here for years. There were no doors. Just open space. It had graffiti on the walls.

After a while I hugged my knees to my chest and I wrapped my arms around them. I didn't know what time it was. But it was cold. And my ankle was hella swollen from running.

I couldn't stand or walk on my own so I couldn't leave. I was stuck here. I turned my phone on to call someone but as soon as I did, it died.

I was stuck in some abandoned warehouse by myself. I'm so fucking stupid. If it weren't for me, I wouldn't be in this mess. If it weren't for that stupid renovation on one of the rooms at The Rap Game House.

Am I stupid for falling for Nova? I mean, nobody is perfect but, he's damn near close. The looks, the talent, the support, the kindness.

Me? I'm no where near perfect. I have so many flaws. Sometimes I have to stop and ask myself, why. Why me? What did I do to deserve Nova?

Or maybe, it was the other way around. "Dee? Dee. Deetranada?" I felt someone shake me and I opened my eyes.

"Dyson?" He smiled at me and helped me up. I winced as soon as my weight shifted to my hurt ankle. "Hey, you good?" I shook my head and leaned against the wall.

"I can't walk." He looked at me for a little and then looked down "Come on. My house is right down the street. I can get you to the hospital." I nodded and he picked me up bridal style. He started walking towards his house.

"How long have you been sitting in that warehouse? It's 1." I sighed and took a deep breath. We were finally at his house. His mom was outside so she opened the door. He put me down on the couch and I told him everything.

We talked for hours. He let me use his phone charger, his mom cooked food, we played his PlayStation, and his mom gave me an ice pack for my ankle. It was nice but the reality set back in.

Big Brother💕✊- if you don't respond Ima think something bad happened and ima call the police
Big Brother💕✊- where are u

I sighed. "Can you take me back?" He looked hesitant for a little but then nodded. He picked me up and took me to his car.

At the hotel//Nova.

"Im worried about her. No one has seen her since--" I paced back and forth in the hotel lobby. "Calm down. Im sure she's okay. Just re--," I stopped. "No, Nia! You don't understand! I can't relax until I know she's okay." I start pacing again.

Jermaine and the crew who went to help him came back. It's been six fucking hours. Six! No one's heard from her. What if--what if something bad happened?

Just then she came in the door. But with Dyson. He was carrying her. "Bro what the hell?" I walked over to them and Dee looked at me.

I looked at her with questions in my eyes. She shook her head and I looked down.

"Are you okay?"

"Where were you?"

"Why the hell did you run away?! Something could've happened!"

"She's okay. I swear. I found her and took her to my house. She can't walk but she ate and everything. Uh, I gotta go but maybe I'll see you guys later."

Jermaine grabbed her and started walking up to our room. I obviously followed and opened the door for him. He sat her down on the bed carefully and sighed. "Go to sleep. I'll take you to the hospital tomorrow."

She nodded and I sat next to her. "Did you do it?" I didn't look at her. I kept my attention to the floor.

She scoffed. "You've got to be fucking joking. Seriously Nova?! You believe I would do some fucked up shit like that?"

I looked at her for a second and looked back down. I didn't know what to believe. "Wow. I don't know what happened to the Nova I knew but, I feel like I'm losing you."

Those words. They cut me like a knife. Was she losing me? Was I losing myself? I kept asking myself that. I didn't know the answer. I didn't know anything.

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